Scrolling function has issues (Scroll Jank) - was fixed, happening again?

FWIW, I’m interested in the question–what forum software with infinite scrolling doesn’t have this issue?

Not forum software per se, but platforms like Quora and Facebook have infinite scrolling, and they don’t have any issues with scroll jank.

The little blue bar? That only seems to show up the first time I’m thrown upthread, and isn’t always accurate anyway. And if I’ve been pulled way upthread - which often happens in the longer threads, or ones like Funny Pictures that I haven’t looked at in a while - I’ll be pulled up again soon almost for sure, and the blue bar will be lost.

Plus for reasons I can’t remember or duplicate right now, it’s less useful on my phone. (EDIT: My iPhone SE2 has started to seem really small, and my fingers really fat, over the past year. That may be part of it.)

Would be great if it was sorted out once for good. Pretty annoying when you read the posts and then it automatically goes up…

When you go into a thread it should bring you to the last post that you previously read. You should be able to simply scroll down from there while reading posts you haven’t yet read. That’s what I’m talking about. Scrolling down seems much smoother than scrolling up, which is definitely a janky process.

It’s not the same. You always start at the top of a feed on FB. You’ll need to scroll down yourself, thereby loading the posts, photos etc. into a cache before you can ever go up.

Oh, so if I’m pulled up dozens of posts up a thread, I should be able to leave the thread, come back in, and be taken back to the last spot read? I haven’t really tried that method. It could work better than my current method of giving up after the second or third time, just scrolling straight to the bottom, and leaving an unknown number of posts in the middle unread.

What I’m describing with the Funny Pictures thread: say last time I looked it was at #40, and now there are 200. I’ll open the thread at #40, fine. I’ll scroll down to #60, and it’ll jump up to #40 again. I’ll scroll back down as far as #50 and then I’ll suddenly be up at #15, to my surprise preceding even what had been the last post read. Repeat a few times, and I give up.

Not really, no. If you start with the earliest post you haven’t read (as you should be directed to when you enter a thread with unread posts) and scroll down towards the newer posts, jank should be much less of an issue then if you start from the newest posts and work your way up. Or are you saying you get jank on the way down?

Oh yes, very much so! I never start with the newest posts (is that even an option? It’s not one I’d choose), but rather with the last one read, and then scroll down. But that’s when I get the scroll jank issue, especially when there are 10+ new posts. (Good lord auto-correct, how many ways are you going to fix “jack tank jank for me” for me?"!)


Stop taking credit for my ideas. I’ve been doing this for weeks…I just didn’t bother to let anyone know because it’s kinda lame.



If you thought auto correct was bad with normal forums try posting on machining forums.

Iphones auto correct milling machine into milking machines.

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OK, I got it. That sucks.

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Damn it, and here I thought I had proof the matrix was real.

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From what Discourse has said, a pictures thread will definitely be among the worst for jank. I’ll try to test some approaches


Same with me. I never scroll up, only down, so that’s where 100% of my jank happens.



I just scrolled this top to bottom without a single jank. I have reasonably new hardware

I’ll try some more.

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That’s weird. Me too, no problems with that one, except residual sadness at all the @shiadoa posts.

I don’t think I was doing anything differently.


It really comes and goes. Sometimes no janks, sometimes janks to the max.


This issue is driving me insane. Chrome browser on my iPhone. :tired_face:


Yes, same in here.
Can admin do something about it?
It is really annoying when you scroll down and then everything goes back up😟