Second Life

Anyone looking for a ‘second life’? Check this out: it’s kind of like the game the SIMS, but it’s online, real-time, and you can buy and sell anything from merchandise, property and exchange Linden$ for US$.

My friend does online training on it. I signed up to have a look at that. It’s insanely irritating for people who don’t play computer games.

I haven’t tried it yet…but I’m totally thinking about giving it a try. It looks pretty cool and i’ve been reading up on it.

Does your friend work for a company that does online training for the game or does he just do it on his own?

His own training consultancy company use it as a medium for providing training. Not sure how successful it’s been.

And I thought MMORPGs were bad, boring and a waste of time. This one even wastes your money :o

I vowed to stay away from games like this after one MMORPG consumed like 8 hours a day. Now I’m back down to a much more comfortable 4 hours a day :smiley:.

a friend just sent me the link after seeing a big thing on TV about it back home.

Apparently people are totally addicted to this. Watch out.

I just signed up and logged in. I took all of my clothes off so I’m now naked and I haven’t figured out how to put them back on. It’s a little embarrassing.

[quote=“sandman”]I just signed up and logged in. I took all of my clothes off so I’m now naked and I haven’t figured out how to put them back on. It’s a little embarrassing.[/quote]Blimey, it’s more realistic that I thought.

That’s not the worst. I made a mistake signing up so I’m female. Except I have no nipples or other “parts.” I hope I don’t need the toilet anytime soon.

Agreed. I want my nickel back.

My name’s Jensen Kolbase or something, btw. You can hit me if you want.

Two years on… two years since I joined despite that comment… took me 1 1/2 years to get good at building and scripting… now I own my little business there. So far have pulled out about 150,000NT from earnings there. Guess my original statement was wrong.

\o/ for bringing back threads from the dead.

What are you making? And what do you use to make them? I did try making stuff, but I found it hard. If it took you 1 1/2 years, maybe I need to try for longer.

I make weapons. Swords, axes, the like… just moving into guns now. I build them, texture them, script (program) them - the whole works.

ah, so the only way to maker real money there is to be a weapons dealer. Not that different to real life then

Real estate is where the money is. Second Life’s First Millionaire

Real Estate CAN be a good income, but you need the capital to put into it too. A full sim (map/region) costs I believe around 30,000NT to setup, then 10,000 every month on top of that. That’s if they don’t raise the prices (again) and exchange rates stay fairly stable.

There’s lots of other things that can make lots of money. If you are any good with 3D apps like Maya or so on, you can make sculpties (non standard prim shapes) and sell them as developer kits. If you’re good at programming, LSL (their scripting language) has a similar syntax to Java and C++, so it’s fairly easy to pick up. Make tools and sell them. Textures can be good business, but with the amount of texture makers (and weapons as well) out there, you have to be darn good to get a foot past the door. Animations are good too… again, if you’re good. But you are best advised to find which area needs animations most. There’s sex anims everywhere for sale - but decent makers of weapon anims are hard to find. I personally buy regularly from one shop, and have another guy who is my ‘go to man’ for custom work.

The old and easy way for a newbie to get cash is, of course, stripping/whoring. Yes, the sex industry is huge in there. But a lot of the bigger clubs now run voice (over text chat), as many guys don’t like the idea that they ‘woman’ they are watching may be a man. << and yes, I’m a female in there - but I’m not a pervert like many :stuck_out_tongue: >>

In the end it all comes down to how creative you are, and how well you pimp your stuff. My weapons have a certain flavour. Some like it, some don’t. I started out with a tiny little shop in the mall at the sim I roleplay in, and now have rented out 3/16th of a sim to build a proper store and my private home (where I hide away to build). I got attention by giving out free stuff. I started sponsoring (monthly) a tournament that is held weekly. Sales have dropped down though with some of the newer arrivals in the ‘enhanced’ department now creating overpowered stuffs. I made about 28,000 NTD in August. My peak sales ever were just over 60,000. I’m now breaking into guns, as well as a few other ‘secret projects’… and I just made my first decent looking sofa too. And the best thing is… sales can take place while you’re sleeping.

And yes, it’s just as much a job as real life. Customer support and all that has to take place as well, and residents like to see new things released, so you need to keep a steady stream there. >> Sometimes the missus forgets this, and I get almost no time to work on things grrr <<

I went in recently and tried finding my way around - i hated it.

I went back in too but thank the lord I couldn’t remember my password.