I found the feed of my apartment building complex on one of my TV channels. The other night I heard a noise outside so I turned on the TV and scanned the area…then watched the security guard ride up and down the elevator. And people fixing their hair in the mirrors of the elevator…
I wish I had that. Then, at least, I would have an entertaining alternative when there really is nothing on the box.
As far as security guards go, my Lao Gong Gong is so flipping old, that if anyone really posed a threat the poor old codger would probably have a heart attack. Nice enough old chap, if you can find him that is…
My security guard is pretty useless. He’s usually fast asleep in his chair and doesn’t have a phone for emergencies (like getting a locksmith). Actually, he’s usually sleeping, playing Chinese chess two doors down (with the front door of our building wide open for anyone to enter without any problems), or gone (again, with the doors wide open). And he’s only on duty from 7am until 3pm. If nothing else, I can’t complain that my building lacks decoration…since that’s all he seems to be there for. Really nice guy, but definitely filling out neither the security nor the guard aspects of his job.
We had a security cam… it’s been dead for a few months now…and out of the 12 florescent bulbs on my floor, only one still works. Why on earth am I paying $925 a month in building fees? It seems like the only person doing their job in my place is the person taking out the garbage and being a single person who never cooks at home, if it weren’t for the two cats, I would virtually no garbage. A bit pricey for only a bag a week. Grr…
Got the main entrance and ramp to the car park fed into the TV distribution system but there really isn’t much to see, just like on the other channels.
3-5 Security guys at guard at any time
1-3 administrators during office hours
Whole bulding surface cleaned at least once a year
“NO cage” rule on the exposed surface of the builing.
I pay a thousand a month for guards sitting at my gate, and they came here last nite borrowing my tools to fix the gate. Haha…tools are soo cheap here, why can’t they buy their own?
Because they are probably just employed there, i.e. it’s the management that has to buy / supply the tools. That of course requires someone asking for it and someone to actually go out and buy it (read: spend money).
I think it should be appreciated if they actually fix it, even they borrow the tools, otherwise it would probably never be done.
Had a great security guard back in Yong Ho when I was in Taipei. He had some spanish name he used instead of his Chinese and was just a very nice person and wish I had kept in touch with him after moving down south. Had hotpot with him once and would sit and shoot the shit a few times a week after I finished work. Not sure what I was paying but probably around 1000 - 1200 month also back then.
We got 3 guards in the building each working 8 hours shifts.
Nr 1 speaks 5 words English , has not more teeth and is clever enough to find the porn-sites on his laptop. ( I busted him lately sneaking up on him from the back haha!0
Nr 2 is smiling, resting on the couch, smiling, resting on the couch. Seems he is just waiting to die.
Nr 3 does not fit his role. He should be a priest, or a Cop, or a social welfare helper. he is just too nice to be a guard being over-helpfull.
but for some reason, they manage to keep the bad guys out. 22 floors, 44 Ap’s and not one burglary or theft in the last 9 months.
keep up the good work chaps, Chinese new Year bonusis approaching