Seeking volunteers for Chinese game trial!

Need 20 volunteers for Chinese game trial.
It’s for beginning-level learners, anyone who knows more than 500 Chinese characters, or completed "Practical Audio-Visual ChineseⅠ"or “Far East Practical Everyday Chinese Book Ⅰ” is welcome.

Any one is interested or has any question, please feel free to send a email or PM. E-mail

I didn’t mention that it’s a crossword puzzle. :slight_smile:

Can I ask questions about it in this thread instead of by email/PM? (oops!)

sure! :wink:

Is this an online game, a paper and pencil one, or something else?

What do you want me “the tester” to do?

Thanks for your questions, miltownkid, it’ll be more clear.

all right, there are three ways to do it:

  1. Typing characters by computer.
  2. Printing it, do it with handwriting(challenge).
  3. or listening the recording, write it in Pinyin.

Also, players will recieve a questionnaire that I can see how does it work.