'Seinfeld' inspiration offers soup line

Remember the Soup Nazi? One of the best Seinfeld episodes ever. Well now you too can have his soup. We need a food forum!!

money.cnn.com/2005/04/22/smbusin … tm?cnn=yes

Could do with a music forum too! :wink:

No music forum for you!

Yes, we certainly could. And we could change the flounders to “Hatch Land”.

Wonder if they’ll import it to TW…

We can only hope. I stopped having the taiwanese chicken-bone-broth and mystery-meat-chunk-sludge long ago.

I was at a buffet place a few years ago, stiring the soup pot only to find a big goat/dog(?)/whatever head at the bottom. funky as hell…Here is another good JSeinfeld monologue I remember from way back when:

I think the thing I admire most about the Chinese is that they’re hanging in there with the chopsticks. Because, if you think about it, you know, they’ve seen the fork… by now. I’m sure they’ve seen the spoon, they’re going, “Yeah, yeah, they’re OK… We’re going to stay with the sticks.” I mean, I don’t know how they’ve missed it: thousands of years ago, Chinese farmer gets up, has his breakfast with the chopsticks, goes out and works all day in the field with a shovel… Hello?.. Shovel! Not going out there ploughing 40 acres with a couple of pool cues.

I wonder if the real reason why China is importing all the illegal timber is for 2.6 billion chopsticks used every day

Seinfeld held prime time for years in Australia. I visited the real soup kitchen in New York. It was exactly like the show and I actually forgot to move to the side after ordering and got the famous scowl.

Amazing thing was it really was great soup provided in a bag with lots of little snacks to make it a full meal.

The soup nutsy was down the road and crap and clearly a take off of the show. This was 7 or 8 years ago. No idea what is there now.