Self-Contradictory Positions Exposed by Responses to Coronavirus and Floyd Protests

Obama: “My thoughts are with the police officers who were injured”
“There’s no excuse for the type of violence we saw yesterday. When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they’re not protesting, they’re not making a statement. They’re stealing…They’re destroying and undermining businesses and opportunities in their own communities. My understanding is you got some of the same organizers now going back into these communities to try and clean up in the aftermath of a handful of protes- a handful of criminals and thugs who tore up the place.”

What a dog-whistling racist!

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Is that what you read? That’s a really pessimistic and distorted way of interpreting that.

What an offensive, inaccurate smear based in distortion of the text presented to you!


Holy false equivalence batman!

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There are surely people stupid enough to think that rioting in violation of social distancing directives is more justified than peaceably assembling, a constitutional right. Or even that constitutionally protected peaceful protests against police brutality are more justified in a lockdown environment than constitutionally protected protests against infringements of constitutional rights of all citizens.

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Why dont you make a more effective argument by showing examples rather than making a baseless assumption?

I surely doubt anyone thinks that. Gee that’s not very compelling is it?

Sorry but what constitutional rights are those? The states have the right to shut down businesses due to health concerns. You think you’re pointing out hypocrisy, but all you’re doing is underlining the importance of why these people are risking their lives to protest peacefully. Comparing that to Karen needs a haircut so we’re going to threaten the legislature by disrupting a session with our guns, is completely asinine.
If you can’t see the difference between the two then this discussion will go nowhere.

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None of the discussions go anywhere.

I actually feel there are a handful of posters here that make good points and say interesting things.

There are limits to an overly cynical mindset.

On Forumosa? Yeah to an extent. Sometimes one gets tired of having to refute some silly bullshit.

It’s zero sum situation on these boards which makes no sense because life is lived in the grays. IJS

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Posters you disagree with?

I cant name a single poster I agree with on everything. Like @anon38216271 said I think convos would go further if some obvious truths didn’t have to be re proven over and over ie prove climate change is real, show where trump is racist etc.


And racism, sexism, xenophobia, transphobia, and classism. :whistle:


Get someone to explain the meanings of the words “inside” and “outside”.

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