Selling a house: what taxes are payable?

My wife and I are thinking about selling our house.

We’re wondering what taxes would be payable on the transaction, apart from the actual transaction costs… Anyone know…

We’re thinking that with the huge run up in prices in our area since we bought, we might like to take some money off the table, and repay our outstanding mortgage. Then start looking for a cheaper house, so we can avoid mortgage payments!

Dunno. Just thought I’d ask here.


hey man did you sell your house?

I am planning to sell my house but I ain’t too sure how to sell it in Taiwan. can’t really find a thread on selling the house. Well I am selling the house through a real estate agent, anything I need to watch out for? I mean the agent, the buyer, and the guy who process the documents.

For agents will they con me somehow? should I get a lawyer have him look over the contracts and whatnot.

I should always use the escrow service? the agents will appoint an escrow company and wants me to open an account there. They say they will take their commission from there? I have to wire them the money no? how can they take the money out from there?