January 10, 2007, 6:36am
In this letter , Russ Feingold asks Bush to clarify his latest signing statement executive power envelope-pusher:
You have already confirmed that you have authorized the NSA to conduct surveillance of communications without obtaining the court orders required by FISA. Your December 20, 2006, signing statement now suggests that you believe you have the authority to violate the law with regard to opening regular mail. The American people and Congress are entitled to know whether you have acted on that theory. Please answer the following question: has your administration authorized any government agency to read Americans’ first-class mail without obtaining a search warrant, complying with the applicable court order requirements of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or satisfying Postal Service regulations?
Did Bush ever respond? Probably not. Feingold’s letter was probably opened by the NSA, deemed un-patriotic and un-American, and never delivered to the president. It’s now evidence in their investigation of him for being a traitor