Nah, it’s just a driver’s license–and a cubical flunky behind them pre-registering them to vote.
Any hard evidence of that beyond Trump’s fevered imagination that 6 million illegals were recruited to vote against him in 2016?
The conservative Heritage Foundation tried really hard to find evidence of electoral fraud and did find 1,465 cases…in the past 44 years.
A handful of states do allow non-citizens to vote…in local elections. So does Japan. Not federal elections. You can cherry pick isolated instances of illegals caught voting, but we are talking about, at best, in an average election year, maybe 200 or 300 cases in a nation of 300 million. Hardly enough to swing a dead cat in Florida.
Anyway, the onus of evidence is on you, not me. Show hard proof. Not anecdotal rumors based on one news item of a group of Haitians getting paid off in freshly BBQed dog meat to vote Democrat.
But would you want hard proof JD is a couch fucker? I mean, really?