Sewage smell in apartment bathroom - help!

Pretty sure that the landlord is totally uninterested in digging up the floor and invading the downstairs neighbors apartment to fit a bigger S bend in their ceiling/ your floor. There’s generally not enough space between floors to allow that.

I had a similar problem, solved it by re-siliconing the base of the toilet. The actual waste discharge of the toilet fits into the building waste pipe where there should also be a rubber seal, this rots over time but to replace this the whole shitter has to come out. Did the drains by putting a new non-return valve into each of the drain holes (easy to get online or at B&Q)


In developed countries they use an ‘anti-odor’ floor drain, which typically has a water barrier or a closable inlet. In Taiwan many pipes in (older) buildings go straight down, no S-bends.

someone else in another thread was arguing that Taiwan’s lingering 3rd world status was due to the traffic conditions. I beg to differ. I would say it’s the draining and sewerage standards…