
Agree. Macho man talk, but still that’s what comes to their mind of the advantages of being here?

Never, in my many years in Taiwan, have I met a girl who wanted to get with a foreigner so she could be “taken away to America land.” Quite the opposite, in fact.


I had a Russian girl friend say guys come to Russia saying and thinking the same things. They aren’t getting the super hot Russian models and struggle to even pick up the village girl planting potatoes lol.

It’s not unusual for some girls to see a foreigner or ABC as a ticket out, or at least to a better life.

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aww those poor little taiwanese girls don’t have a clue how men behave do they. poor little innocent virgins! its good that they have you to protec them from the evil leering sexpats.

The girls I know who want money don’t target foreign guys. They avoid them lol. Taiwan is one of the more wealthy countries, plentiful of rich men here.


Okay dude.

Oh yeah, him.

I hate him.

A better life, not necessarily the best one.

I’ve heard this narrative before, but never witnessed it firsthand. Kind of like that whole “western sausage” narrative.

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It’s okay — my mother has, on occasion, expressed similar opinions.

He’s annoying as hell!

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From my experiences. Foreign guys are at a disadvantage here. Really attractive girls I’ve met avoid foreigners like the plague, because you know, they’re all poor English teachers that are losers and sexpats like you’re insinuating.

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I guess you need to up your game. I still see many broke, ugly, can’t even hold up a conversation guys who are very white or very black getting many girls it is not he said she said. It seems the more ‘cool’ he looks the easier it is. The girls are all up on them trying to get them to commit. This usually only lasts about 2 months though. They get frustrated and go but then he has others already. Pretty sad for the girls and empty of the guys, because they sell the I am from the west Opportunity.

Someone said if you are looking for a 5 then maybe that’s the case. Look, I am not saying the hot highly paid young Taiwanese professional woman who could be a model if she wasn’t the manager of the R&D department, or the one that comes from a very nice family and vets her prospect carefully. I am talking about the every weekend in the club/bar Taiwanese women who are very attractive too but certainly has different horizons than the previous one I mentioned.

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far more sex, cheating, mistressing, prostitution, ktving, betlenutgirling, panty trading, wedding and temple stripping (fully nude) and wine barring goes on here than in my home country. please stop your drivel about taiwanese girls being innocent, not knowing how to deal with men and whatnot. they are far from innocent.

I think those weirdos do well because…tbh many Taiwanese girls are weirdos themselves.

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Again, okay dude.

i need to up my game so more girls will use me as a green card? no thanks.
my long term gf is pretty attached to her family here and i would say that goes for most taiwanese.

I think it’s pretty much a given that foreigners in Taiwan almost always end up punching out (sometimes WAAAAY out) of their weight class in terms of romantic partners. Anyone who says otherwise, well @tommy525 wants his Talking Out His Ass Pants back.

FWIW, this isn’t only true of hetto hookups, I’ve seen it just as much among the ghey fellas and Lesbianiacals (despite the latter NOT being amused about it).

For literally all the Taiwanese girls I’ve dated seriously, the most basic requirement was that I’m going to be in Taiwan long-term, never “take me to America.” Not once.


I don’t belong to that spectrum of people.

If you got a long term girslfriend she most likely is not those types of girls either.

The girls who want to go to America by sleeping with some random loser are attached too but want to brag to their friends etc that they are there. They don’t last long abroad or cheat after a short time there and go back. A few stupid losers take this type home and more often than not that’s what happens. Please don’t put words in my mouth that I am saying all women who go abroad etc etc, note that I am categorizing ‘those and that’. Thank you.

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