Shane English School (again)

Start at 650 maybe 600 per hour as a new teacher with a block of hours. Less than 600 you might as well go to Korea or even Thailand. NO LESS THAN 600


Thank you! I appreciate you for sharing. Someone is actually answering my question.

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Thank yoU!!


I was replying to @loser’s comment that Shane is Chinese. He’s actually British, although he looks like he’s eaten a lot of Chinese.

I’m currently on a salary, but I guess it works out at around 1000NT per contact hour. I don’t know any new teachers, so I’m not sure what the going rate is for a starter gig. The rule of thumb used to be 600NT an hour absolute minimum. The lowest I’ve ever seen was 490NT an hour with GVO.


Thank you! :slight_smile:


1 It may not matter if Shane is British if the staff is not. If the OP is new here he may find there are cultural surprises. The OP should expect the unexpected. Being on time is important in Germany but not in Brazil. Keeping your word is important in USA but maybe not in other countries.
2 a newcomer should get a 2d income ASAP: Tutoring people on the side, writing essays,
3 a newcomer should get a girlfriend ASAP, one that can help him in daily life (get a phone, sign a lease) because there are so many obstacles to foreigners.


GVO is barley a school it is like an English club. Many teachers there teach there to try ad get laid.

It’s also an easy place to work. Good for a second job if you want extra cash and are currently working days or something like that. I worked there and enjoyed it