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Then there must be a lot of high earners pushing up the average. Every Taiwanese I know who works for someone makes half of that

OK thanks for posting I will check it. Median is always most useful stat.


Every Taiwanese I know earns more than that and has their apartment paid off for them*.

We must be moving in different circles.

*EDIT: excluding my wife


yes, a few high earners don’t push up median. If high earners are pushing up median, it means there are a lot of high earners.

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It could also be people working for various tech companies and government workers who were able to pass entrance exams. I would never earn anywhere near that without testing. They are very hard exams too, all in Chinese.

What language would they be in?

they are not rocket science, though.

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For a Taiwanese it probably wouldn’t be exceedingly hard but for someone not raised here is exceedingly difficult.

Everyone is willing to look at the mean average when it comes to other countries but when for Taiwan “median is the most useful stats.”

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Yeah, the vast majority of Taiwanese I know here (aka my wife and my wife’s family and friends) make more than the average, unless they’re in a rural area. None of them are in tech and don’t have to take any of these “tests.”


As someone who’s looking at the UK. There’s a real discrimination of students and young people.

I’ve never seen landlords and agents in a country make me jump through so many hoops to even have a real conversation about renting. They want credit reports, pay stubs, know my job title and field of work, etc.

Young professionals can’t find people to rent to them in London if their starting salary isn’t high enough, people who had bad credit and lost their jobs can’t find rent. Students are not welcomed. It’s a real problem when students coming out of university going into entry level jobs are not able to find people that want to rent to them.

Median is often used too. I want to see the median cos Taiwan is well recognised as having many very wealthy people too. I do find it a bit challenging to see that the average earnings are 55k for Taiwanese across Taiwan, even in Taipei let alone new Taipei city… I want to see how that happens.


I know loads of Taiwanese from rural areas and at most some of them reach the median. I guess that’s why we have to look at the stats. In Taichung city area the average pay used to be around 30k, I’m wondering what it is now.

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Median is definitely the better metric here. Mean is better for more symmetric distributions - income is definitely not that - this chart itself proves that.

The person you’re replying to has proved time and again they should be ignored when it comes to anything.

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from Taichung city gov stat site, the average income from employment per family is ~682k/yr, and from MOL are, average number of employed persons per family is 1.46, so ~39k/month.
Averaged total income per family is ~1300k/yr, and 1.78 earners per family, so 60k/month.

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I really don’t like this way of calculating for salaries but I understand that it is a valid way to determine total family income which is relevant.


Because I want to see the individual income derived from a monthly wage and how much bonuses they get , pretty obvious isn’t it. It really shouldn’t be that hard to get those stats…I want to see the different percentiles.

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主辦單位 國勢普查處
新聞聯絡人 陳建名 電話 (02)2380-3625



主辦單位 國勢普查處
新聞聯絡人 陳建名 電話 (02)2380-3625
