She just can't say no to that man

The Price Of Condi’s Loyalty

There’s a new book hitting the shelves soon about Condoleezza Rice’s White House career. The above article is interesting. IMO it doesn’t really get into her political stances or clear reasons as to why she has chosen to be so loyal, i.e. as a result of family history or tipping points in her career. Rather the article, suggests that her loyalties to Bush may originate from more intimate nature.

[quote]It wasn’t the first time Bush had asked Rice to do something she had decided not to do. During the 2000 campaign, she had planned to advise Bush informally; instead, Rice ended up leading his foreign policy team. “In a political sense, I think he kind of courted her,” said Carson. “He really went after her. He’s very charming.”

And Rice was drawn to Bush. “First of all, I thought he was wonderful to be around,” she recalled, sitting on the couch in her State Department office. “He was warm and funny and easy to be around. I thought he had just an incredibly inquisitive mind … You could barely finish an explanation before he was digging into it.”…

Rice’s friends insisted the attraction to Bush was platonic, but Brenda Hamberry-Green, her Palo Alto hairdresser, who had spent years commiserating with Rice over how hard it was for successful black women to find a good man, noticed a change when Rice started working for Bush. “He fills that need,” Hamberry-Green decided. “Bush is her feed.”

Bush is HOTTT!!!

(Um, not really…I hope to god there aren’t any women here who think that he is like totally hot or anything.)

I mean, Condeleeza is OK for a 50something woman, but it’s really putting it at a stretch to claim that she’s HOT or anything)

I have no doubt that Bush is charming - it appears that is his strongest suit. But I lost all respect for Condi when she started going around answering all questions with “I’m a student of history”. There is even a website devoted to this patronising and empty platitude. Student of history my arse. At least Henry Kissinger (who she so clearly thinks she resembles) eschewed schlepping his academic credentials in such a shallow way whilst he was working for the anti-Semite bigot Richard Nixon.

I would like to see what Colin Powell has to say about her when he publishes his memoires.

LL, you got links about Condi’s grand thinking? I would love to read about all this. I know that because she’s well versed on Russian she may think that this cuts it. :unamused:

Bush has very seem charming to me. People with charm seem to also possess a sense of self which he has never seem to have.

[quote=“Lord Lucan”] working for the anti-Semite bigot Richard Nixon.

I don’t think it is accurate to label Nixon as an anti Semite. He may have used some nasty words in private, but he was always a strong supporter of Israel and had excellent relations with many Israeli leaders (especially Rabin). On the other hand, he didn’t get on so well with a lot of American Jews at the time, most of whom supported McGovern and the Democrats.

In any case, I am always suprised with the selective memory of people that go after Nixon as being an anti Semite. Many Dems didn’t seem to mind when Jesse Jackson called New York “hymietown” or when Oxford-educated Senator William Fulbright (a hero to the New Left and mentor to Bill Clinton) called Eastern European Jews “mud people.”

I was going to put an inappropriate comment about Bush eating his rice, but I decided not to for the sake of keeping this thread clean.


Whoo whoo, big farking deal. I don’t claim to understand women, but I claim to understand Republicans even less. But ummm Ummm, she’s a female Republican, he’s a male Republican. Maybe they found some commeon interests.

Maybe JFK boffed Marilyn Monroe on the sly, hohoho, wasn’t he cool? It’s okay, because he never, like, offered her a job in the White House or anything. Clinton got Monica to do more than dictation. What’s she doing now, writing a book, the silly little tease ? Banging his intern, hohoho, what red-blooded male wouldn’t want’t some of that?

Oh wait…Condi. Ummm, she’s got brains. She might actually deserve a job in the White House on her intellectual merits alone. No dude, that can’t be it.

She doesn’t fit the mold. Ummm, Condi, can’t you dig up some pics or something from that one time in college when you got drunk and took your shirt off, your making us all nervous…

You know, that one time when Bush put his arm around Mr total fuckup “i got my job cuz I’m an elistist scumbag and not because I’m smart” asshole who dropped the ball on Hurricane katrina and was responsible for making thousnads of New orleans residents have nothing better to look forward to than spending their retirement years standing on a streetcorner holding a cup and begging for change and said “Brownie, you’re doing a fine job”. I really saw a speciial gleam in both of their eyes. I think 'brownie" and Bush" are pet bedroom names, I think Bush and Brownie brownie each others Bush’s all night long. What other explanation could there be for someone that farking retarded to hold a position like Bush’s little Brownie boy was holding?

Brownie, man, he really loves his bush. I wonder how Brownie got his name. Bushie loves his Brownie.

Oh wait, Condi has a vagina. Hangone, I’ll get with the program in a minute. I’ve been drinking, thinking outside the box, it just isn;t healthy. I think I ned anothwer sammich.

In any case, I am always suprised with the selective memory of people that go after Nixon as being an anti Semite. Many Dems didn’t seem to mind when Jesse Jackson called New York “hymietown” [/quote]

Perhaps the Dems don’t seem to mind, because the press hasn’t forgotten…