I am leaving Taiwan and going back to SA for good(Cape Town). Does anyone have some advise on shipping a couple of boxes(teacrate size) of items back to SA? Is the post office a good option?
All of asia and oceania are the same rate.
I imagine the original poster is long gone, but for anyone looking for similar advice…how about a freight forwarder?? Before I came here I packed up all my dj equipment, to include 3 boxes of records (pretty heavy) and a mess load of misc stuff. It was only one box…one LARGE box, (I’d say 3-4 people could fit in there all hunched over) that had to be hauled off on a truck, but in the end it only cost me about $250 USD to get it here from Chicago. It had to be trucked to the west coast and put on a ship. It took just under a month to make it to Kaohsiung. Everything made it here in perfect shape, not a scratch or broken turntable needle! Granted, I packed the stuff with unbelievable amounts of bubblewrap and packing ‘popcorn’. And customs? The Taiwan customs definately opened the main box and I think 2 boxes that were packed inside that. They re-taped them and put a nice little yellow customs plastic strap around them. Nothing broken.
That’s my experience. It turned out surprisingly good. Maybe I was lucky, don’t know. If you’ve got the time, give it a try. I think taverncaptain owns a freight forwarding company. Worth a look.
Hi Guys.
Thks for all the advice. I think for my purpose, the post office will do it just fine. Just about China - I will have to go and see, as in their tables they do have every country in Asia and Oceania, but no China??
We sent stuff home once and found the post office very expensive. Why not try DHL - call them and find out what their shipping rates are? A friend used them to fly some surfboards in and it wasn’t too expensive, so I guess shipping may be even cheaper. If not, DHL, check the newspapers for other removal companies.
Good luck and have a savanna for me at the Blue Peter, okay?
How much stuff do you have?
I sent a 20ft container door to door (Taipei - Cape Town) two years ago. At that time the cost was NT$55000. Got four people together to share the space. Very affordable. Don’t know how much it is now. Might still have the contact details of the freight forwarding company. If you’re interested let me know and I’ll look it up.