Short plays/dramas/skits for junior high school students

I’m looking for short (5-20 minutes long) plays or skits for seventh-graders. Everything I’ve come across is either too childish (Mr. Frog says hello to Mr. Fly) or too difficult (Tom Sawyer). Has anyone had any experience with this? Any suggestions?

I posted some links about that a few years ago, back when I was calling myself Xenophon and the Ten Thousand. I don’t know if the links have what you’re looking for, but except for the first one, the links still work (I don’t know whether the links on the linked-to pages still work). The moldy old post is [url=

Edit 1: Here’s a Wayback Machine snapshot of the dead first link in the old post referenced above. Apparently, if you click the links on the Wayback Machine page, you can get snapshots of at least some of the plays (I test-clicked a few links, and they worked).

Edit 2: Most of the plays on the Wayback machine page are Christmas- or Christianity-oriented, but there may be a few that aren’t.

Might to want check there…in past rewrote plays to make it work for the kids re: vocab as well as number of parts.

Probably something you were aware of, but Caves has a good selection of resource books. I bet you could find something there.