Should an employer care about their employees personal financial well-being?

Sounds like you may need to look into automating some processes in the packing.

Maybe something like this?

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I get what you’re saying. I also think that. But I’m also aware that financial well being plays a part in someone’s mental well being and their ability to perform at work. Some large companies do have firms to help their employees with their personal financial planning because of this.

Because while the policy may be good, the workers may not be appreciative of the accolades. Why would they? They don’t seem mature enough. Hire better workers.

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The issue is, I have hundreds of variation of the exact same products. It’s small items so easy to mess up if you do not pay attention. I don’t think automation would be doable.

This isn’t my job. :laughing:

I’m just keeping up the best I can. Why not take me out to dinner? Then I’ll read better. :wink:


A lot of things have not sat well with me. I asked them to be more professional at work once and they brought up that I came into work a bit loopy from my medication the night before as something that confused them on their expectations of professionalism.

At the moment I didn’t take it the wrong way but once I thought about it. I’m the boss. My professionalism in not in question unless I’m doing something that is directly wrong to them.

My previous boss came to work often in flip flop and a t shirt. I would never dare use that as an excuse to not wear a suit to work. He is the boss and has the experience.

I honestly think maybe I need to add a larger separation of power. I think they don’t understand fully that I’m the boss of the company and it’s my money and time that I’ve put in to built it to this point.


Or get an office manager. That’s what they do.


I’m sure you mean well, but this is not your concern, will you also sponsor dental floss and teeth cleaning twice a year? because that also has positive impacts on their well being and even their longevity.

it’s nice of you that you are bothered by the financial choices they make, but its really not your concern.
in Taiwan you probably wouldn’t lecture a 7/11 clerk how come they have an apple watch while working minimum wage job right? Nor would you lecture a highly paid executive that sends his kids to private school bu telling him his kids will be fine in public school and that he should better invest that money towards retirement.

you are not their dad, no need to patronize them.


In this case, I might have called in sick or communicated that I need to work from home for that day.

Yes, it’s not their place to question you. But these people you hired are from another generation and may think a bit differently than you. Also, they come from a different background and culture.

Switching stances now may come across a bit strange. If I were to change the environment, I’d do it slowly so they don’t get shocked.

Luckily, it’s almost 2022, and you can use that as an excuse for changing things up. Maybe something like “for this new year, I have new goals for this company. I want to grow sales by 50%, reduce returns by 80%, reduce shipping errors by 80%, etc…. To meet these goals, each employee will need to meet the following monthly KPIs.”
Do you already use KPIs as a way to judge their work performance?

I’m going to print out the packing slips and have them sign each one and send with the package so I can track who’s messing up. I’m not expecting 100% perfect. But I should not have to resend 1-2 each day when we pack an average of 40 a day.

That’s really what I want them to focus I’m. I think they should do a lot better when I’m paying a premium on wages for this kind of job.


Higher pay is almost never motivation, long term, to do a good job. It can change short term performance, and works for retention, but not to boost performance - your high performers are going to largely be internally motivated.


Policies in place? A handbook of some sort? Or are you springing this in them? And as you’ve repeatedly stated, they’re packers doing a min wage job, I assume not customer facing - does it matter? Are you making rules that’s going to make them less happy with no increase in performance?

:rofl: company culture flows up and down.

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People that are making mistakes now will make mistakes in the future. You can only solve this procedurally or with different people. You giving personal advice may be well received (or not) but will not prevent these mistakes. You could give them more responsibility so they feel part of the solutioning for shipping errors.

I call this bullxxxt. Taiwanese elite is materialistic, rotten deep down. For few extra dollars they are willing to sell their country, destroy einvoroment and squize people. Employee Philipines. Half of elite lives abroad and milk on both sides. Go home to Taiwan and complain to ordinary poor Taiwanese.

Why do you think tax level is so low in Taiwan and whole system favors rich in big way.

Even Singapore has better welfare state.

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With annual bonuses, weiya’s, the importance of group events etc., as well as GINI coefficients of 0.34 (Singapore’s is in the mid .40s), I would argue there is less inequality in Taiwan and more traditional Asian paternalism-- a truly Asian country (Singapore is Disneyland with the Death Penalty and is not Asian despite its promotion of Asian values). Singapore gives people shitty HDB flats, low wages for most people vs. costs of living, and was kicked out of Socialist International by the Dutch in the 70s. It is fascist and much nastier than Taiwan.

Ofc. Taiwanese are afraid to be poor. Is nightmare to relay on rich Taiwnaese boss or on Taiwan state.

Is middle class which makes Taiwan so great. Their volunteering, political - and social activities, small family business units

I’m not asking for them to come in like it’s a bank. Things like being on time, finishing what you started, and not taking so many personal calls. Basic stuff I really didn’t think I needed to say.

These are really reasonable requests.

For being in time, do you have a way to check in and check out of the office?

Maybe something like this?

For finishing tasks, maybe something like Asana

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Yes, I added a hour check in app for them.

This is honestly an interesting look into people and work. I guess not everyone is going to want to elevate themselves and have the drive to climb. I didn’t think about this because I’ve been surrounded by competitive people in my professional life. Everyone thinks they want to climb until they see the work that needs to be done.

I think I’ll just have an honest conversation on if they actually want to put in the work necessary to be more than packers. If not, I guess that’s settled.


Don’t ask, you must demand it. Fire someone to make a case. Firstly you didn’t draw authority. Made personal comments. It’s big NO.

What is a reason you pay above minimal wage?Don’t give people free money. Say this is what I pay, I expect this and that and than I will pay you like this.

Keep your word, talk less and work more.

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