dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ntree.html
Should this sport be allowed to continue? It costs several horses their lives every year and its just good fortune riders are not killed as well.
I am totally against bullfighting too, which is even worse.
dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ntree.html
Should this sport be allowed to continue? It costs several horses their lives every year and its just good fortune riders are not killed as well.
I am totally against bullfighting too, which is even worse.
I think jockeys get killed sometimes too. I’ve gone to fundraisers for ones that were paralyzed.
Yes thats horrible isnt it? I saw those pics from the link I put up, IM really surprised no jockeys were killed there.
Most people simply don’t understand what they’re supporting when they patronize these events, either on site or through gambling on them. I’m all for keeping horses, and I’m all for seeing them run, but to carry on with a sport that is riddled with deaths–both in competition and after the athletes are 'spent–is, in my mind, barbaric.
How hard can this be? Put fewer riders on the course at one time. Make the jumps more manageable. I riders or horses dying on the course, then the people who design the course need to be held civily and/or crminally negligent liable.
Seems like if you just had straight tracks, nothing for them to jump over, it would decrease the danger. Every horse track I’ve been to (in the States) hasn’t had these hurdles for the Horses, seems like that would be stupid.
Still, I do know they occasionally do die in those races to. I dunno its tough, I mean, the horses legitimately like it, they are very competitive creatures, and, I know I’m not being moral here, but it is a lot of fun to bet on them.
I don’t know, its probably wrong, but I guess I am being selfish in that I don’t want to see horse racing stopped. Besides, most (well, all) of the horses in horse racing were born and bred to do that very thing. Without horse racing they wouldn’t have been born at all, I guess that makes it better, kind of like how cows are born and bred to become steaks?
I would say we should worry about other offenses first, like making animals perform in things that don’t come natural to them, like monkeys in suits driving tricycles and elephants balancing on balls and the such.
Though, again, I’d like to reiterate that every precaution in horse races should be taken for the horses (and jockey) safety. Hurdles certainly would be something that should be eliminated completely in races, or at least in races where the horses are not separated.
Just my
[quote=“TheAmericanNomad”]Seems like if you just had straight tracks, nothing for them to jump over, it would decrease the danger. Every horse track I’ve been to (in the States) hasn’t had these hurdles for the Horses, seems like that would be stupid.
Just my [/quote]
Then you aint seen much horse racing have ya?
Should this sport be allowed to continue? It costs several horses their lives every year and its just good fortune riders are not killed as well.
I am totally against bullfighting too, which is even worse.[/quote]
We don’t eat them in the UK, so if we didn’t race them they wouldn’t exist.
We don’t eat people either.
Can’t compare like that. People are bred & kept for reasons other than racing. Racehorses are bred & kept to be raced. For the most part (I say for the more part cos as with anything there are exceptions) Uk owners and trainers love and care for their animals, and are devastated when they are killed. Ban horse-racing, and these animals would never be brought into existence, as Tom says.
Yes, they could ban National Hunt racing (that’s over obstacles) and just race on the flat, but that forms a large part of Uk countryside culture. They’ve had their fox hunting banned (which is great) - there are plenty of much worthier animal causes to focus on than horse-racing. I’m thinking factory farming for starters.
Should this sport be allowed to continue? It costs several horses their lives every year and its just good fortune riders are not killed as well.
I am totally against bullfighting too, which is even worse.[/quote]
We don’t eat them in the UK, so if we didn’t race them they wouldn’t exist.[/quote]
I think the horses like it. It’s better than being eaten by a lion.
Can’t compare like that. People are bred & kept for reasons other than racing. Racehorses are bred & kept to be raced. For the most part (I say for the more part cos as with anything there are exceptions) Uk owners and trainers love and care for their animals, and are devastated when they are killed. Ban horse-racing, and these animals would never be brought into existence, as Tom says.
Yes, they could ban National Hunt racing (that’s over obstacles) and just race on the flat, but that forms a large part of Uk countryside culture. They’ve had their fox hunting banned (which is great) - there are plenty of much worthier animal causes to focus on than horse-racing. I’m thinking factory farming for starters.[/quote]
I wasn’t being flippant. We allow other people to live; we can do the same for more distantly related fellow beings. Though I actually agree that it may indeed be better for more animals to live shorter (but good) lives than fewer animals living longer lives. If I had the choice, I’d choose some life over none.
I also agree that factory farming is a much greater evil, and I aim to get more involved in changing those practices in the future. But we do often find that, by tackling and bringing awareness to the smaller but more public cases of inhumane treatment, we get people more easily considering the plight of the less visible, less ‘beautiful’ animals later. It’s the thin end of the wedge, so to speak, and is incredibly important.
Yesd well thats something that should be changed, all that fresh meat going to waste.
. Ban horse-racing, and these animals would never be brought into existence, as Tom says.
Same for all blood sports then too right? Ban cock fighting and game fowl would never be in existence. I could go further but I have been down this route before on here lol. And it ended up ugly. I know people in Taiwan involved in cock fighting and they say the same thing. I once asked “do you ever feel guilty about the cock dying”. They replied “no they were bred to fight if we didn’t fight them then as individuals they would not exist. Is that hetter for them never to have had life”? Interesting argument and for some Taiwanese who believe strongly in fate it is enough to justify breeding fighting cocks for fighting. The dead ones they make into a soup which is meant to be good for your virility.
The title of the thread would apply to all animals involved in risking their lives purely for entertainiment. I think PETA is the most consistent in these matters. I actually respect a lot of their view points.
dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ntree.html
Jockey severely hurt as well.
. Ban horse-racing, and these animals would never be brought into existence, as Tom says.
Same for all blood sports then too right? Ban cock fighting and game fowl would never be in existence. I could go further but I have been down this route before on here lol. And it ended up ugly. I know people in Taiwan involved in cock fighting and they say the same thing. I once asked “do you ever feel guilty about the cock dying”. They replied “no they were bred to fight if we didn’t fight them then as individuals they would not exist. Is that hetter for them never to have had life”? Interesting argument and for some Taiwanese who believe strongly in fate it is enough to justify breeding fighting cocks for fighting. The dead ones they make into a soup which is meant to be good for your virility.
The title of the thread would apply to all animals involved in risking their lives purely for entertainiment. I think PETA is the most consistent in these matters. I actually respect a lot of their view points.[/quote]
Like with everything there’s a scale to the level which animals are exploited. It just depends where the line is drawn.
I used to work with an animal rights supporter, she used to where ALF shirts to school and bang on about how zoos should be banned and stuff. However, she quite happily went horse riding in the UK. She saw nothing wrong with that hobby because she enjoyed it. I’m sure she would have been extremely upset if someong told her that she was exploiting that horse; forcing a bit into its mouth against its will and putting it in additional risk of injury by sitting on it. Everyone chooses where they draw the line, and mine is that cockfighting, bear-baiting and dog fighting are bad and rightly illegal in civilised countries. Horse racing isn’t bad enough to be illegal. Other people draw the line lower down the scale.
I can’t have the cock-fighting / horse racing comparison either. With cocks, the intention from the outset is to cause injury and death in the ‘name’ of sport. Last time I checked, it wasn’t a requirement that all horses in a race had to have exposed razor-sharp blades attached to their fetlocks. When that happens, I’ll say they’ve gone too far.
I could also opine that all cat-lovers who allow their animals to patrol outdoors are being cruel. One, for exposing the general rodentia to unnecessary stress when being hunted by already well-fed pussies. Two, for exposing those wandering felines to the risk of being maimed / killed under the wheels of speeding cars.
Pet-lovers, should cats give up their lives for your entertainment?
. Ban horse-racing, and these animals would never be brought into existence, as Tom says.
Same for all blood sports then too right? Ban cock fighting and game fowl would never be in existence. I could go further but I have been down this route before on here lol. And it ended up ugly. I know people in Taiwan involved in cock fighting and they say the same thing. I once asked “do you ever feel guilty about the cock dying”. They replied “no they were bred to fight if we didn’t fight them then as individuals they would not exist. Is that hetter for them never to have had life”? Interesting argument and for some Taiwanese who believe strongly in fate it is enough to justify breeding fighting cocks for fighting. The dead ones they make into a soup which is meant to be good for your virility.
The title of the thread would apply to all animals involved in risking their lives purely for entertainiment. I think PETA is the most consistent in these matters. I actually respect a lot of their view points.[/quote]
Like with everything there’s a scale to the level which animals are exploited. It just depends where the line is drawn.
I used to work with an animal rights supporter, she used to where ALF shirts to school and bang on about how zoos should be banned and stuff. However, she quite happily went horse riding in the UK. She saw nothing wrong with that hobby because she enjoyed it. I’m sure she would have been extremely upset if someong told her that she was exploiting that horse; forcing a bit into its mouth against its will and putting it in additional risk of injury by sitting on it. Everyone chooses where they draw the line, and mine is that cockfighting, bear-baiting and dog fighting are bad and rightly illegal in civilised countries. Horse racing isn’t bad enough to be illegal. Other people draw the line lower down the scale.[/quote]
Ok so Tom so would eat a battery farmed chicken? If you would then how could you also say cock fighting is wrong ? I guess it is all subjective you are right on that we agree. I think anyone who eats at KFC or any other restaurant that uses factory farmed meat has no right what so ever to criticise cock fighters. Lets think about the bigger picture. Which has the better life the fighting cock or hen or the factory farmed hen.
2. Battery farmed chicken
De -beaked to stop it pecking its neighbour due to living in too tight a proximty
Unable to turn around
Short uncomfortable life
Bred for its ability to grow meat no matter how unhealthy to the animal
Killed and eaten on mass; on a scale of humbers that is mind blowing in its size. Billions of factory farmed chickens are slaughtered each year after living a terrible existence far worse than that of any fighting cock.
Anyone who criticises cock fighting but eats factory farmed meat is in my opinion a serious hypocrite (poverty issues aside). As I say in my opinion cock fighters and Peta seem the only one showing any kind of consistecy of morality.
This whole argument is kind of like the murderers of adults hating the pedos and child killers. Accept in this case in my opinion it is those that eat factory farmed chickens who are worse than the cock fighters. We can agree to disagree as we will forever have different opinion on this.
If you are a vegetarian and say both is cruel then what can I say but yes you are right. That would be consistent at least.
By calling people hypocrites you’re assuming that they completely understand the issues surrounding the welfare of factory-farm chickens, and also the benefits of being bred for fighting. They don’t.
I didn’t mention anything about eating chicken, battery farmed or otherwise.
On life’s morally relative scale of things I don’t have horse racing anywhere near the top of the list for things that are worth banning. However, if I were to be totally honest I would say that a lot of it boils down to the fact that I enjoy horse racing but don’t like blood sports. I think this is, in essence, true of most people when they draw their line on animal rights.