Should I bother...?

[quote=“Satellite TV”]
We don’t teach American English in Australia mate, we speak proper English.
You only learn that simplified rubbish in America[/quote]

Yes mite, we only learn propa English in OZ, ppl can easily tell where we’re frm tho. :sunglasses:

another example, Taiwanese can’t speak properly in Mandarin between ‘hot and happy’, ‘meat and exposure’. Lots say leˋ (happy) instead of zheˋ (hot), laoˋ(exposure) instead of zhouˋ(meat). While one person says ‘it’s hot’ in Mandarin, it can be misunderstood as ‘I am happy’. Moreover, young ppl lazy to speak properly, they say friends ‘penˊ-youˇ’, but proper way is ‘pounˊ-youˇ’.

Too many to be continued…