Show us your kid! (2010)

[quote=“Bassment Productions”]Some recent ones of Alyssa

What a beautiful little girl. And she has good taste in sports (and teams)! :thumbsup: :wink:

Kyle (5) and Hannah (3) after a trip around Costco, showing off the lollipops the staff gave them:

Good looking lad you got there, dear.

We went to Taimall in Taoyuan yesterday, where Emma had a whale of a time running around and getting fussed over by the shop assistants.

Last week, in sunnier weather, we went for a walk in the woods:

With the weather as it is now, it’s hard to believe that it’s less than a week since we were soaking up the summery sunshine in the park.

Omni, what a cute little Munchkin you’ve got there! :slight_smile:

My daughter, father, and niece… oh yes, and that’s my teddy in the lower left. Heirloom now, I suppose.
(Sprout’s already learned, it seems, that Grandpa’s full of fanciful tales and not to be believed.)

The best toys in life are free.

The niece, Miss Bliss

The first two were taken today. The Kitten had to give a presentation about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The thrid was taken Christmas and I’m adding it just to show how much hair I cut off last night! He wouldn’t let me cut his hair for months, but actually wanted it cut for the presentation! Wow.

Damn! But my kid is handsome!

And this was his kitty (no longer with us and very, very missed), Sissy. She was being a bit of a diva the day I took this pic.

What a handsome young man you got there, Housecat! :sunglasses:

My elementary schoolers from winter break.

Nine months old today. She’s going to be too big for such shots soon, but I think this one is safe to share.

I should add, the wife doesn’t like this one. Thinks Sprout looks like a genii. Spooks her, it does.

Doesn’t spook me at all. Its an absolutely gorgeous shot that should be put in the family album.

Great shot, but what happened to her legs, if you don’t mind my asking.

I agree. Beautiful pic, Jaboney!

They’re in the genii wash basin with the yellow duck, of course. :slight_smile:

thanks all

Yep, gorgeous shot.

Alyssa’s modeling pix

The painful discovery of hot planking on a sunny day

Jaboney great pic!! No she won’t be too old too soon…another year or two at least!!

Sandman, great pic, how did you do the masking??