Show us your kid in video! (2010) (1 video per post, please)

She’s 13 months. :slight_smile:

Wee Willow was attacked by Grover and Teddy. They jumped on her, tickled, bit, and tried to claim her blanket for themselves. After 15 minutes, she’d had enough.
I was quite impressed with her initiative.

No Muppets were harmed in the making of this video.

Great video, Jaboney!

Thanks, hobbes. I was more than a little impressed by how Sprout handled those tickle-bullies. Took a deal of effort not to crack up while shooting her.

Sprout had some fun carting stones back and forth across this walkway. It was hilarious. Reminded me of Camus’ essay ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’, so while she played with her stones, I played with my camera and books. I think she had more fun.

Guess it helps to know that Sprout’s middle name is Levity.

Grandpa loves to make up tall tales. I want to give Sprout a leg up on him for the next round of lies.

Funny thing is, Sprout really wouldn’t let me carry that bag of diapers. I shifted some stuff around, and handed it to her as a joke. She wouldn’t give it back, and when I tried to take it, she’d sit down and refuse to move. If I tried to help, she pulled it away. :slight_smile:

I love being a dad.