i’m tired of it. saw part Bush’s plan on TV. i’m sick of hearing “the iraqi people this and the iraqi people that”. i sick of hearing how we should provide freedom for them. they’re backwards, they (sunnis and shiites)hate each other for minor doctrinal differences. screw em.
how about providing freedom to the american people? how about putting MRTs in every city , connecting every city so poor people can get to work? how about executing some drug dealers so kids can go to school without being harrassed. i hate to say it. screw the iraqi people. i’m sick of hearing this crap.
“is is fitting to take the children’s bread and give it the dogs?”
does bush REALLY read Jesus’s words?
[quote=“theposter”]i’m tired of it. saw part Bush’s plan on TV. i’m sick of hearing “the iraqi people this and the iraqi people that”. i sick of hearing how we should provide freedom for them. they’re backwards, they (sunnis and shiites)hate each other for minor doctrinal differences. screw em.
how about providing freedom to the american people? how about putting MRTs in every city , connecting every city so poor people can get to work? how about executing some drug dealers so kids can go to school without being harrassed. i hate to say it. screw the iraqi people. i’m sick of hearing this crap.
“is is fitting to take the children’s bread and give it the dogs?”
does bush REALLY read Jesus’s words?[/quote]
If I were you, which I’m not, I’d suggest that you buy up some property. Seems to me like you’d fit right in.
what i mean is, if you wanna send national guardsmen somewhere, send them to the most dangerous neighborhood in houston. send them to south LA. let them help the cops get things under control so children can go to school unafraid. infrastructure? how about infrastructuring a train system like japan has?
the truth is obvious, and it’s what many African Americans have been saying all along:
“bush hates niggas.”
and i agree with them. he’s a racist. he would hate to see poor black folks actually have the MOBILTY to go wherever they want( via a real train system). he’d like to see them contained in black neighborhoods. he would hate for poor white folks to be able to get around without greyhound. he’d hate for poor folks of all colors to actually be able to make it to two jobs a day thanks to quick efficient transportation.
he wants a permanent underclass of 6 dollar an hour McFondles workers so he’ll have a quick supply of flesh for his war machine meat grinder. yes, going to war is now a career option for white trash with nowhere to go.
why is it that every group of people on earth gets all this support, except the AAs and po white folks? charity starts at home.
i’m sick of bush. i’m sick of the system in america.
Bush doesn’t give a shit about the Iraqi people either. He only says it because he thinks it looks good to the media. It’s all about money and power, never people.
You guys are hilarious !!!
Thanks for my morning laugh… :bravo: :bravo:
You actually start out your day with the “Bush is evil” crap?
Just too funny :loco: :bouncy:
I think it’s obvious TC…they have psychic powers.
[quote=“TainanCowboy”]You guys are hilarious !!!
Thanks for my morning laugh… :bravo: :bravo:
You actually start out your day with the “Bush is evil” crap?
Just too funny :loco: :bouncy:[/quote]
I woke up this morning and I said to myself, I said “Myself, what can I do to make a cowboy laugh”?
I’m glad I was successful. 
Actually, my earlier post could apply to probably 99% of all politicians anywhere in the world, regardless of their political leanings.
Soon you won’t have to hear about “the Iraqi people” anymore. Instead, the phrase of the day will be “the former Iraq”…
I too wish that the U.S. government would send the army into minority neighborhoods of our own country. Then the poor benighted inhabitants will receive the social benefits which presently only the Iraqis enjoy. Surely we will be welcomed as liberators…
maybe not. but it’s a start. i think we could go back to the isolationist policies of pre WWII. i know that’s extreme, but i’m tired of the whole thing. america looks so phony. people in afghanistan had never seen toliet paper and you’re talking democracy. most women there still think the burkha is okay.
they’re stone age. demeocracy for china,too? heck, taiwan is pretty much proof that Chinese people can’t handle it, don’t you think?
leave em alone. when they get tired of it, they’ll find a way. i support them in this, but from the sidelines, cheering them on.
[quote=“theposter”]i’m tired of it. saw part Bush’s plan on TV. i’m sick of hearing “the iraqi people this and the iraqi people that”. i sick of hearing how we should provide freedom for them. they’re backwards, they (sunnis and shiites)hate each other for minor doctrinal differences. screw em.
how about providing freedom to the american people? how about putting MRTs in every city , connecting every city so poor people can get to work? how about executing some drug dealers so kids can go to school without being harrassed. i hate to say it. screw the iraqi people. i’m sick of hearing this crap.
“is is fitting to take the children’s bread and give it the dogs?”
does bush REALLY read Jesus’s words?[/quote]
Finally an interesting post in IP. I agree that if the American Goverment would have spend the I don’t know how many billions of dollars they used for the Iraq war, in the liberation of their own country, America would be (maybe) a better place to live in.
But like cf said, it ain’t about the “people of Iraq” or freedom, it’s about the $$$$$$$.
Igor -
I think New Orleans is about the only US place that might need “liberation.” And the citizens there just marched to protest the situation.
Don’t believe everything some disgruntled ‘social studies’ major says about the “loss of freedom” etc in the USA.
Or, you could ask the simple Question - “What freedom has been taken away?”.