“Single time” trash pickup service or company?

We just moved into our apartment and are looking for someone to do a onetime pickup of our “move in trash.” General trash and recyclables already separated. Anyone recommend a company, person, or service?
Thanks so much

Cities have that service, call them and they tell you where and when they’ll pick it up. Larger communities sometimes have their own disposal area.

If it’s large items like furniture you can call 1911 and they will come get it for free.

Just shit ton of cardboard, packaging trash, and general trash. No furniture.

these companies could help you

清佳清潔有限公司 https://www.chinchiaclean.com.tw/contact-us.html
永合環保工程有限公司 http://www.yhep.com.tw/contact.html

but usually is for large quantities of trash pick up from companies , communities

Other options is to wait for the garbage truck or contact the Bulk garbage service hotline
Collection of bulk garbage is free

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Yeah you could bring it down bit by bit, half an hour in advance and be ready for the trash truck

Cardboard: Leave it outside and it will be gone. There are people who collects them for a living.

Packaging trash: Give it to the white truck that follows the garbage truck.

General trash: Put it in the red/blue bags (depends if you are in Taipei City or rest of Taiwan) and throw it in the truck.