Single white female- what ever will happen to me!

The stained teeth, that big wad of binlan stuck in the bottom lip, the red juice dribbling from the corners of his mouth…

How could any woman resist that?[/quote]

I like how you foreigners automatically point to the worst of the worst. It’s like saying how white people are all balding, pudgy, smelly, loud, obnoxious, overbearing, pale to the point of sickly, wrinkled, chew spitting jackasses.

You just don’t understand Taiwan. If the foreign women did, they’d love Taiwanese men too, at least the good ones.

Hey Jaboney. Monobrow?

I’m thinking of trying a bit of whitey.

Asian girls are lovely, but Western women seem exotic to me now. :lick:


monobrow? Not quite; not far from it, though. I ain’t so lucky as all you good-looking specimens. Too tall and gangly; bushy eyebrows, sharp nose, high forehead, oddly shaped skull, hockey scars… damn, I’m lucky to find a woman who can stand the sight of me. Throw in my winning personality and her sticking around is that much more of a wonder. :loco:

Bodo wrote:

Why is it when a women says she’s a lesbian, men instantly think, “Cooool!?”

Jack Burton wrote:[quote]
I like how you foreigners automatically point to the worst of the worst.[/quote]

When in Rome Jack. When in Rome…:wink:

You’ve offended so many Forumoans with this, I commend myself for being able to continue to type! :raspberry:


They think finally, a woman that thinks like them. Men secretly yearn for a female wingman, it’s obvious.


They think finally, a woman that thinks like them. Men secretly yearn for a female wingman, it’s obvious.


Two main reasons for guys thinking those of the Lesbanian persuasion are cool.

  1. FINALLY there’s a chick who’s into the same things we are

  2. Spend some time on FOX news, the GAYS and LESBIANS are TAKING OVER THE WORLD, we’re just, you know, hedging our bets for the big change in regime…


Chief, who’s that guy in your avatar?

Lesbians . . . are similar to straight guys? Well . . . yes and no . . . we both definitely like the ladies . . . but we ARE still women and think as women do about stuff . . . approach relationships and our lives the way other women do . . . so we’re more like other women than men . . . what we want and what we give to women, I think, differs than a male’s approach . . . that’s why were lesbians and NOT straight men. :rainbow:


[quote=“Stray Dog”]I’m thinking of trying a bit of whitey.

Asian girls are lovely, but Western women seem exotic to me now. :lick:[/quote]

Woot! We got a convert! And not a bad one either!

I understand. Now that I am in Taiwan I am finding that good looking white guys are vey good looking. Cuz you so rarely see them. Hahah.
The guy I’m drooling on now has westernish features. My roommate keeps pointing that out to me and telling me I am being drawn to the dark side.

[quote=“Bodo”]Chief, who’s that guy in your avatar?

Lesbians . . . are similar to straight guys? Well . . . yes and no . . . we both definitely like the ladies . . . but we ARE still women and think as women do about stuff . . . approach relationships and our lives the way other women do . . . so we’re more like other women than men . . . what we want and what we give to women, I think, differs than a male’s approach . . . that’s why were lesbians and NOT straight men. :rainbow:


Doyle Bramhall II.
Yeah, I know what the deal is on you guys, I was just cracking wise.
Twisting that old joke, you know, what’s the best part of being gay?
You have someone to talk to when you wake up the next morning.
Oh, man, what Stray Dog said, only times 50.
I sometimes creep myself out on the rare occassion that I’m around non-Asian women, sometimes I just can’t stop looking at them, they’re so…exotic.
Unless they’re, you know…chimps.

That might well be the case, but I certainly see more Archie Bunker than lipstick lesbian in this response from elsewhere. :wink:


Or rather…the light side.

From now on, you all can call me “Chopped Liver”. I seem to be just as appealing. :unamused:

[quote=“Stray Dog”]I’m thinking of trying a bit of whitey.

Asian girls are lovely, but Western women seem exotic to me now. :lick:[/quote]

Hehehe…That’s mighty white of you… :laughing:

Yep, they do start looking exotic after a few years, don’t they?

Nobody really cares.

Contact ,me I will show you where you have multiple choices for foreign male dating.

Ha, ha, ha… April’s Fools!

[quote=“Stray Dog”]I’m thinking of trying a bit of whitey.

Asian girls are lovely, but Western women seem exotic to me now. :lick:[/quote]

Reluctantly, I have to agree.
I am slowly transforming into one of those who miss “home town” every now and then.

Or rather…the light side.

actually, he is darker than most local guys too…

It’s definetly not April fool…Just contact me please and you will be very surprised!!!