Hi, when I open 'mosa pages now, I’m getting this message:
Any idea why? Is this 'mosa related, like someone’s hosting an image on that site, and Firefox checks certificates for images too? Or have I got a virus, and it’s not 'mosa related? Just curious. Thanks!
BTW, is someone here (Texas Guy or TC, perhaps) using an image hosted on benning.army.mil?
Not I,
Said Texas Guy!
I’m familiar with benning.army.mil (assuming that’s the Ft. Benning, Georgia website), but I haven’t connected to it in about a million years or so. The only image I’ve got here comes from Forumosa (the Emoticons, etc.).
TC has a picture of an eagle on the left side. To the immediate right of the eagle, inside the body of the message itself, I see a little box with no image (the kind like when an image in email doesn’t transmit correctly). Maybe that’s the benning.mil offender! Just a guess.
A bit off-topic, but maybe helpful to the technical folks who monitor this site for stuff like that. :offtopic: Hope this helps!!!
I saw you guys discussing the subject in that thread of the Texan who wants to ship his cows to Taiwan. I also got a popup when I opened that thread (one time only), warning me about site security or something, and I don’t believe I’ve ever received a similar popup on forumosa. I think that’s where the problem lies.
[quote=“Dragonbones”]Hi, when I open 'mosa pages now, I’m getting this message:
Any idea why? Is this 'mosa related, like someone’s hosting an image on that site, and Firefox checks certificates for images too? Or have I got a virus, and it’s not 'mosa related? Just curious. Thanks![/quote]
It’s most likely an image being linked to from that site. Anything (image or not) from that site will be affected by the certificate problem.
If you can give me a link to the exact page where this happened, then I can pinpoint the problem.