Getting this problem when viewing some threads… this is not the only thread it has happened to… the problem seems to be minimal, but it exists~
I’ve had that pop up a few times since last night.
You forget to say which threads, so here’s one: … highlight=
Here’s another: … &start=100
I get this when I click on my thread:
SQL Error : 1030 Got error -1 from storage engine
SELECT topic_id FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_id != 62371 AND MATCH (topic_title) AGAINST (‘Can Acujer teach in Taiwan from MOE’) ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 0,5
Line : 478
File : viewtopic.php
I just had a few as well, but don’t remember which ones.
Well, if you look in the SQL code, you’ll see its title is “Why can't Taiwanese work independently?”
[quote=“Chris”]Well, if you look in the SQL code, you’ll see its title is “Why can’t Taiwanese work independently?”[/quote]And you expect the admins to do a search for lots of threads when we can help by giving a list of link ?
Some links in the post below. … &start=100 … 4&start=30 … 5&start=10
My comment was for the benefit of the readers of the thread, not for the aid of the admins. For the latter, you’re right.
Why do they need a list of links? It’s clearly a problem with the server… What is giving them a list of links going to do? Do you think they will manually edit each one? I’d say the server needs a fix… not the thread~
The OP’s question was a good one. There are several threads right now by various different posters that can’t be opened and instead result in a Debug Mode message. They all have 0 views and 0 replies. Wei shenme?
All of these posts should be in feedback for a start. Acujer, it’s not you, it’s a problem with the site. I couldn’t get on at all yesterday evening for the same reason. It’s basically because Maoman, Gus and Malc are complete idiots who couldn’t find their own arses with both hands and a map.
If admin ask for links to bugs, we give them links to bugs…
Could not get main information for similar topics
SQL Error : 1030 Got error -1 from storage engine
SELECT topic_id FROM phpbb_topics WHERE topic_id != 62412 AND MATCH (topic_title) AGAINST (‘Appropriate Dress for English Teachers’) ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 0,5
Line : 478
File : viewtopic.php
If you’re using both hands to find your arse, what would you hold the map with ? Maybe this is where they are going wrong ?
Two more (Tech forum):
I think someone added something that will tell you if something with a similar topic name exists, but it doesn’t work. Or something.
You’re right, it’s nothing wrong with those threads (as was sometimes the case with these sorts of errors), but something wrong with the mod.
I thought it might have been because of punctuation because AGAINST() does take a text string similar to that used by search engines, but ‘Appropriate Dress for English Teachers’ doesn’t have any, unless “for” is a reserved word.
I can’t believe you, BFM, a man, asked what you would hold the map with.