My son has his heart set on a skateboard for his fourth birthday. I thought this would die out but after four months, he is still so determined, practicing the moves and so on.
Not being a skateboarder myself, I wanted to hear from skateboarders here. I checked out some old posts and found some stores that sell skateboards, but I don’t know if they will have little kid gear. Does anyone know if they do?
Also, is four too young to try skateboarding? And, if four is OK to start, how do I get him started? Just let him stand up and fall down? Or do I need to find someone who can show him how to do it properly?
A four year old skateboarder… Makes me so happy to hear this… Give him a board ASAP before the falls start to hurt him too bad. Ha, just joking, but It will do wonders for his coordination, balance etc. plus it is a great sport for him to get involved with in Taiwan seeing that there is a severe lack of organized sports for kids here.
Was a skateboarder for many years myself, but too old now however I know all the Taiwanese and foreign skateboarders as well as the shops so I will look around for you to see what I can do. I can at least probably get you a better deal than you will get yourself.
Once he gets it take him to ximen to the AIDS clinic or Li Ba (don’t know the english name) that is on the other side of the road from ximen (the large concrete park). There are tons of kids with boards plus that is where all the sponsored Taiwanese and foreigners alike tend to congregate. Trust me he will love it and no he is not too young. Also, he will be able to watch and pick up very quickly what he needs to do.
Don’t worry about him getting hurt and let him fall… It is all part of the learning process… The cuts, bruises, scrapes, but hey, that is what boys need.
I am not in Taipei right now, but give me a couple of days and I will let you know what I can do or point you in the right direction.
Thanks so much! It’s a very nice offer and I will wait for your information.
My son was actually inspired by his uncle in New Zealand who skateboards and surfs, and he loved watching those videos of skateboarders, but I am now searching amazon for a more kid-friendly, toned-down version. I don’t think I want him learning all the English in those clips!
I’m not worried about him falling down per se, but I think some safety gear might be needed?