So what is the best facial protection when riding a bike in this weather?
any cream with UV SPF at least 15 I guess. Even when it is not sunny at all.
The best? You mean as in the very best?!?
Easy. Seal fat, otherwise known as blubber. Boil a dead seal, allow to cool, and apply whatever floats as needed.
North Americans have known this for centuries…and aren’t you from somewhere in North America?!?
Jaysus the vanity. :loco: Plus the things you must apparently relearn when you become an American ex-pat, female, sheesh. :America:
Personally I’d a gone with bear grease.
Seal blubber is impossible to find in Taipei.
Yeah good call.
Ya drama queenya, find a dead bear!
Keyrist, the advice demands of NA expats… :loco:
I suggest a balaclava, and a copy of New Morning by Bob Dylan.
I came out of the womb with SPF. I use 50. I’m talking about against wind and cold.
And you turds. It isn’t vanity when my face feels like chapped lips and is peeling. I’m from SOUTH. We don’t have winter. You cold weather expats might understand this sort of crap, but all I know is I feel like someone put my face on a sander.
When I lived in Scotland, I used Clarins facial oil. Very soothing; it has rose oil in it. You apply it on top of moisturiser. I don’t know if they sell it in Taiwan; I’ve never looked as I haven’t needed it, I don’t ride bikes.
Worked well in the frost, wind and rain. My mother has used it for about a million years.
Does it sooth or protect. I am needing both…
You can get clarins in a-11 of the Mitsokushi at 101.
Sorry, my internet went to shit. (In that it stopped working, not that got worse than usual)
Yes, I know Clarins is available. I don’t go to places that don’t have Clarins and Starbucks. I just wasn’t sure if they have that particular product.
Yes, it soothes and protects but thinking back I was about 10 years younger when I last used it. Ask them for a sample and see if it’s for you. It’s in a round bottle and is the colour of the first piss of the morning, although it smells of roses.
Apparently semen is supposed to be the best.
I wouldn’t blame you, though, if you preferred the ordeal of getting hold of some bear grease…
For what?
How about one of these?
You guys are a bunch of useless turds. Except Buttercup. Who is both not a turd and useful.
If it worked 10 years ago, it might not today. What worked on 20 year old skin and what works on 30 year old skin, not the same.
I’ll go check it out, though.
[quote=“SuchAFob”]You guys are a bunch of useless turds. Except Buttercup. Who is both not a turd and useful.
If it worked 10 years ago, it might not today. What worked on 20 year old skin and what works on 30 year old skin, not the same.
I’ll go check it out, though.[/quote]
My suggestion was useful. But if you wanna go ahead and smear a useless turd on your face… so be it.
Watch out for wankers.
How about wearing a doggy outfit? That’ll protect your face AND keep you warm in winter.
- Auntie Iris does not recommend this for summer use.