Slow speed accident fatality

Can someone explain to me what happened here? OK, the driver did not see her… but did not feel a bump?


原文網址: 左轉撞倒上班婦…繼續前行「緩速輾斃」!送貨員:回過神她就在車底 | ETtoday社會 | ETtoday新聞雲
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People are furious against the driver. Yet the A pillar covered teh driver´s sight of the road and the victim.

He was checking the phone or the gps or whatever, didn’t see the girl, felt the bump, got confused, by the time he realized what was going on she was already under the car.

There’s absolutely no way he could not have seen the girl if he was paying any attention to the road, so if he was focused on the Gps or pokemon go or whatever he may have needed a moment to re-focus on driving after he realized he hit something.

In the article they mention he tested negative for alcohol and he was on the morning delivery shift, so my guess is that he was looking at the gps to find the delivery address.

Poor girl.


How can one as a pedestrian try to stay safe under those conditions?

Reminds me of the English teacher in keelung about a year back.

What the fuck.
The old saying of look both ways does not apply here. More like look 4 four ways… Twice… No three times…

And even then, no guarantees.

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My wife showed this to me. She thinks he killed her so he wouldn’t have to pay lifelong hospital bills for her (assuming she’d be disabled).

In any case, lock him up for life and toss the only key into the pit of a volcano.

I think the only way is to always look both ways at every crossroad, even the most insignificant ones. My wife tries to be very careful but every now and then she walks and drives in a “Taiwanese style”, so without paying much attention to the surroundings.
I think the girl was not expecting a fast car to suddenly turn into that road, and rightfully so. But when I’m crossing the road and a car is coming, even if it doesn’t have the turn signal on and if it’s going at a speed that means it’s not going to turn, I keep an eye on it. I dodged an accident by doing this, caused by a lady that was “checking her kid” on the passenger seat while turning at a big crossroad. She didn’t understand a word of what I shouted at her after she stopped, but I think she knows the meaning.

Living in Yilan I also had to develop some kind of 6th sense because small countryside roads are no man’s land and it’s always better to keep an eye on every single small lane from which an ama/abei could be coming out from on the wrong side of the road and on a red light.

In China definitely yes, but in Taiwan I’d assume he was not looking at the road.



Also don’t assume ANY cars or buses will stop for you when they’re turning on to the pedestrian walk even if you have the green. Make sure those fuckers come to a complete stop before walking by them.

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The first car blocked his view, then he didn’t pay attention turning into the alley, probably looking at a device is my guess too.

There’s another terrible video of a bus driver just wiping somebody out crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing (hence a temp crackdown on drivers going through major Taipei city junctions recently ). The driver claims he didn’t see that pedestrian at all.

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Assume that every vehicle is bent on killing you.


Be alert at all times, never assume that any driver sees you, and stay as far away from vehicles as possible.

I’ve been in exactly the same situation before (well, except that I was on a frikkin crosswalk). Drivers often look ahead to where they’re going, and not the turn itself. I saw the car coming, and when it showed no sign of slowing down I hopped out of the way. I still got knocked over as the car sideswiped me, but at least I didn’t get run over.

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Probably also looking at his device. Honestly, drivers too attached to their stupid phone games, LINE chats and streaming k-dramas scare me even more than drunk drivers.

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Its such a big car, I would be careful driving an SUV on small road, but that me! (I always find it interesting in Taiwan with crowded roads so many people drive a big car compared to Japan or EU)

Sick stuff.

What the f*ck is wrong with people here?

Honestly this is one of the worst parts of being in Taiwan.


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I have a picture somewhere of a diagram showing a bus/truck´s blind spots. It is awful. They definetively navigate more on instict than anything else.

We lost an elderly neighbor to a bus recently. He is missed.

The guy was also cutting the corner, as people usually do here. People here are too lazy to even turn a powered steering wheel.


@Icon they showed this video as part of the safety briefing for the new scooter test. But the people who have been driving a long time seam to be the worst.

She probably already does.


She’s dead.

But yes, sadly no matter how many precautions you take, some selfish or distracted idiot will still find a way to kill you with their car. I don’t know what she could’ve done differently except not been in that alley in the first place.