I am looking for a small reading light that works on batteries.
The kind of clip-on light to illuminate something like a small pocket book. The lighting should be even and not of the super-bright kind, so there shouldn’t be any glare or doesn’t light up the whole room! Ideally it uses LEDs as a light source so battery life will be long.
I want to use it for my e-paper e-book reader… The surface to light up is actually quite small, almost as small as an A6 sized sheet of paper.
Has anyone seen these in a shop in Taipei? Thanks.
I’m sure lots of places must have them. I bought one at Carrefour that works just fine. It’s made by Energizer, was cheap, uses one small battery and an LED bulb, and clips onto a book.
[quote=“Ectoplasma”]… my e-paper e-book reader… [/quote]Ooh! Ooh! Off topic, here, but what make is it and where did you get it and how much was it? I’d love to get one to make proofreading and pdf article reading easier, although all the e-paper readers I know of are quite expensive.