Smartphone with BEST calendar

wife looking either for iphone or android (win, bada and symbian are out).

She is impressed with the HTC screen, where the calendar is right on the start-screen,
but I guess putting cvalendar on front page is alsp possible with LG, Samsung etc.
Is it true that HTC’s with Sense has the best calendar functions ?

Regarding the iphone, which calendar program is the best, have the best function,
easy to connect with pc, using either outlook, google or whatever else system ?
It does not have to be a complete free program, she doesn’t mind to pay for an
excellent calendar.

I am quite happy with Calengoo for Android, which syncs easily with my Google account. …

The stock calendar app in iPhone works great, and syncs perfectly with Google Calendar and Exchange accounts, including editing and reminders.

On Android, the stock Samsung calendar is good, as are the HTC Sense ones and they obviously sync perfectly with Google calendar. If you absolutely need the entire day calendar displayed on the front page, the HTC calendar widgets are great.

I’m a big fan of Calvetica for the iPhone.