Smoking in Public

The other day I was smoking a fag while waiting at the tea stand. The waiting and ordering area for the tea stand is outside. Two shops down is a restaurant, again, it is outside. I noticed a lady making some sort of hang signals to me and figured she was trying to tell me I should not be smoking there, because she was pregnant. I gave a surprised look and turned away. We’re talking about around 20 feet or 6 meters of distance between us, and we were outside. I grab my tea and get on my scooter only to realize I was blocked in by a double parked car. I was parked in an actual scooter spot and she had just stopped on the road , blocked a row of scooters and turned on her 4 ways, then proceeded to enjoy dinner. Guess who owned the car? Hypocrisy I tell ya. :unamused: Courtesy is very important to me and I do try to be mindful of my surroundings when indulging in my bad habit. Is it acceptable to smoke in public places given there is a reasonable amount of distance? When people turn up and stand beside me in such a situation, I will walk away to a safe distance-couple meters. I’ve had this conversation with someone about smoking at a pub as well.

I certainly agree. I smoke and try to be understanding of other people’s health concerns when in public. I avoid those areas where other people may be offended but such understanding occasionally does no good. Fortunately, not everybody is as discourteous as your encounter.
When my brother and I were vacationing in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico, we had bought some very fine Cuban cigars and got up early one day to enjoy the sun rise from the beach with our smokes. Not a sole around - just us. Then, as soon as we got comfortable a woman walks along the beach and decides to sit 10 feet from us even though there was at least a mile of beach in each direction. As the twilight broke, she started the coughing routine and glaring at us to firmly tell us that she was offended by the smoke. I would have moved on but my brother was having none of that and she got more English than she ever thought possible. It was loud enough and vulgar enough that security from the resort - a good 5 minute walk came running. She got the point before they got there and walked on up the beach and we finished our smokes but the moment was ruined.
In short, I empathize.

I can empathize only if you have never bitched about people here burning ghost paper or plastic in public areas. Otherwise, how is what you are doing any different and why should it be accepted? At least burning ghost paper serves some purpose. :wink:

Doesn’t that mean that she shouldn’t be smoking?

Reminds me of a scene from Pinoy Sunday. Is this one of those Taiwanese health beliefs du jour (which are reported in the media and then suddenly become written-in-stone gospel truth all over the island until the next study comes out debunking it), that someone smoking 20 feet from you, outside, will be harmful to your gestating fetus?

Ghost plastic? I wonder what the APR is in ghost land.