PANTOS of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs are being censored,2-2005480080,00.html
PANTOS of Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs are being censored
madness I tell you
In my evidence casebook, it had an excerpt fromt the biblical story (1 Kings ch. 3) where the two women bring the living baby and the dead baby to Solomon to decide who’s is the living one, and the editors cut out the fact that the women were harlots. (didn’t even give it a footnote either). Amazing considering it was the EVIDENCE book.
Call it by its original title:
Schneewittchen und die sieben ZWERGE
and you have no more trouble.
From Br
Damn ZWERGE’s running around like crazies.
Picking up stray women and brining them home.
And whats all this “Work Work Work Work” I hear them singing? Having some kind of sex-u-al or-gee over there…
Damn ZWERGE’s…I don’t trust 'em one bit! :fume:
Average Germans. Looking sleepy and only think of working and Sex.