So...Greta Thunberg is being manipulated?

I like her. Seems to have a decent sense of humor. Not sure why anyone would listen to what she says.

Why are grown men eager to defend her?


It’s not whinging about her specifically. It’s more what she represents - anti-intellectualism and stupid quasi-religious movements that frame humanity itself as a problem to be solved by means of penance and self-flagellation.


Interesting, her family apparently has connections to the Schwab clan.
Will post the research when I find it.

Usually the conclusions come after the research :thinking:


What is the “Schwab clan”?

I can’t find it, either

They’re a hiphop collective that came up selling drugs on the mean streets of an offshore island, Klaus is their RZA?

Dolla dolla bills y’all


Perhaps those disciples of the change agent gnome, can bite a piece of wood during operations to ‘save Earth’.

Ahh, I see

Klaus Schwab
Chairperson of the World Economic Forum

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You’d think the Daily Mail would have noted that the goal has already been achieved, by the simple expedient of putting people in a 20-year queue for their surgery.

I actually didn’t hear much about it for a while until it popped up on my feed. I had no idea he is still being detained.

I mean if he’s guilty, hope they lock him up for a long time. But there’s something seriously fucked with the Romanian justice system. How can you detain someone for months without charges and take their property? This doesn’t seem fair and will make me think twice about ever visiting if that’s how they do things over there.

How long can you legally detain someone without charges over there?

I remember hearing max six months, extended one month at a time.

When in Romania…

He chose to go there

Isn’t he in somewhere else? Budapest?

This seems rather unfair and just open for abuse.

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Not that I was planning to move there but I definitely won’t consider it knowing they can do that. Up to 6 months is absolutely insane to not have charges to either defend or bail set. It’s just abusive and unfair.

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It could be worse. At Gulagtanamo it’s forever.

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I don’t know, seems a bit fit, as he went to Romania to enjoy it’s lax laws and half-hearted enforcement, where “corruption is accessible to everyone” :rofl:

The dude got his wish, no doubt.

Deleted apparently.

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The movie had a special screening at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier in January, opened in New York and Los Angeles this weekend, and is opening in theaters nationally starting Monday.