So, How far has she gone from me?

I don’t like the situation, and think that she’s a goner. For good.

Move on, there’s more than enough clues to tell you that she’s deeply in with another guy.

If she was getting macked by some guy she did not like, odds are that she would not keep the messages.

[quote]Thousand (her nickname?)….Know what? Tonight the moonlight came down, lifted my head, Your smile was like the moonlight across the galaxy. Your heavenly body so close to my eyes. At night on the mountain top close to the summer breeze. I carry your deepest thoughts, while watching the stars alone in the same galaxy, so beautiful so beautiful.

So are you happy today? I guess you guys are very happy, very happy.
Now this beautiful woman must return, you must have some things you don’t want to sacrifice, be happy. Very soon you guys can meet again. OK! I must continue counting my stars, you made it through another day. Take a bath and let your hair down. Good Night! My beautiful angel, hope you have a sweet dream tonight…take care of yourself when you go to work tomorrow. See U…

Good morning…my beautiful angel, still sleeping? I guess you couldn’t have just woken up…ha! This morning southern Taiwan weather isn’t bad! Hope arrival at the mountain pass the conditions will be favorable. Of course Taipei’s atmosphere is as relaxed as our emotional state. Must put our best effort for today to be happy.

Qian….thank you for your well wishes. To be greeted in the morning by an angel, like an extra burst of energy from the sun, I am the happiest and luckiest person. Morning weather really feels like winter. You must take care of your health. Drink lots of warm liquids. Hope you have a great day.[/quote]

Sun Tsu Art War…
Know oneself, know ones opponent, 100 conflicts, 100 victories.

Good luck

Interesting translation, OMG, oh well, romancing out here is a bit different, after all.

Now, would he keep at it with no encouragement from her?

I don’t think so!

The sea of Taiwan is jam packed with fish, whistle a bit.

[quote=“ac_dropout”][quote]Thousand (her nickname?)….Know what? Tonight the moonlight came down, lifted my head, Your smile was like the moonlight across the galaxy. Your heavenly body so close to my eyes. At night on the mountain top close to the summer breeze. I carry your deepest thoughts, while watching the stars alone in the same galaxy, so beautiful so beautiful.

So are you happy today? I guess you guys are very happy, very happy.
Now this beautiful woman must return, you must have some things you don’t want to sacrifice, be happy. Very soon you guys can meet again. OK! I must continue counting my stars, you made it through another day. Take a bath and let your hair down. Good Night! My beautiful angel, hope you have a sweet dream tonight…take care of yourself when you go to work tomorrow. See U…

Good morning…my beautiful angel, still sleeping? I guess you couldn’t have just woken up…ha! This morning southern Taiwan weather isn’t bad! Hope arrival at the mountain pass the conditions will be favorable. Of course Taipei’s atmosphere is as relaxed as our emotional state. Must put our best effort for today to be happy.

Qian….thank you for your well wishes. To be greeted in the morning by an angel, like an extra burst of energy from the sun, I am the happiest and luckiest person. Morning weather really feels like winter. You must take care of your health. Drink lots of warm liquids. Hope you have a great day.[/quote]

Sun Tsu Art War…
Know oneself, know ones opponent, 100 conflicts, 100 victories.

Good luck[/quote]

Now I truly understand the meaning of “flowery” language. It makes me want to vomit. :help:

The first one was all sweet, the second one just what you hear everyday…weather, drink more hot water bla bla bl…

So he’s in the South of Taiwan. Did she say WHY she wants to move out and it is over? I hope she is truthful at least, because if you spent all this money to come and find this kinda crap I would go NUTs.

Maybe the OP has been traveling so much that keeping the relationship up has become too much. Perhaps she needs something more to feel appreciated.

Good translation by ac. Very romantic indeed.

But the OP and missus have been together 5 years. Now she’s enjoying the fresh part of a new relationship where everything is all rainbows and fairy dust. It always wears off?

Maybe it’s out of boredom with life, work, or maybe she needs more attention. Whatever the case may be, I do agree that the OP needs to ignore her and let her figure out what she wants to do.

Only through space can she really appreciate what she has. I know the TW women are good at the silent treatment. I do have to say I used this play in the past and it definitely works.

Keep your mouth shut, don’t whine or beg, give it 3 months and see if there is any response on her side.

For some reason that last post got me signing this old ditty.

[quote]Why is the bedroom so cold
Turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
Our respect run so dry?
Yet theres still this appeal
That weve kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again[/quote]

I’m in a long distance relationship and for about the past month have been kicking hard against it, threatening to snap off the key. I did last night, and again this morning with a rain of brutal language and hurtful abuse all aimed directly at the throat, heart and any exposed sensitive bits. Unfortunately, I’ll probably call up and apologise and return the key tonight. God I hate being led by my dick.

To the OP. I guess only you know the score to this one. Is it a relationship you’ve let drift? Is it recoverable? Is it worth it? And agree, great work on the translation, ac, god knows we never give that horrid PLA toadying bastard enough praise.


[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]For some reason that last post got me signing this old ditty.

[quote]Why is the bedroom so cold
Turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed,
Our respect run so dry?
Yet theres still this appeal
That weve kept through our lives
Love, love will tear us apart again[/quote][/quote]

Great Joy Division song.

You and me, same boat. I’m doing my best to give her space/time, etc. Constantly fighting the urge to make a call/send a text.

Oh I’m cool about the not ringing, that way she doesn’t tend to call me when the other fly byatches be aboot! The hatred of being led by the todge ddin’t necessarily have much to do with the long distance relationship. Umm, it’s just that, each man has certain needs. :smiley:


Wise words. That’s usually the case in threads like this one, but I guess people still need to open up and talk about it, especially if they don’t have any friends nearby.

Oh, and OP, are you in Taipei? Forumosa happy hours are a good way to meet new friends.

FWIW, my wife thinks the guy sending the text messages is batting for the other team.

In that case it would make as much sense him sending those romantic messages to her as if I sent some of a similar ilk to you!

Completely wasted effort, it does not make sense.

NOt to be cynical but any chance its a set up by the wifey to get you to abandon her?

OH if we only could comprehend the mind of a woman !! And if the Good Man upstairs would help us to know when to be bold and when to fold???

Been where you are bro and it aint pretty. When the ship has keeled over beyond what is reasonable in a storm, its time to get out the lifeboat and abandon ship before you go down in an untimely fashion with this ship which is your shared love.

Sometimes (quite often actually) it just cant be saved !! And its time to depart with some grace.

By the way, I collected tons of evidence before I confronted my then wife with the evidence. GUILTY AS CHARGED (her not me).

Love hurts and it takes time to heal, but you will be glad one day.

I’m disheartened to see how many people are ok with snooping around (not to mention posting it on a public forum)

If this sample is a realistic reperesantaiton of how men out there think and conduct themselves, what chances do I have of finding someone who shares the same values and principles about honesty and opneness as me? :frowning:
Sandman being already taken :wink:

Yeah, seems like its only me and the ladies who see what he’s done as in any way slimy. Does this mean I’m a lady? So why haven’t I got any boobs – well, obviously I have pretty voluptuous man-titties, but I meant NICE boobs.

I guess I am the other one without boobs that thinks it is wrong… Sandman, are you in for a trip to the Thai Dr.s to get a lil’ constructive surgery done?

While I understand the man’s angst, I do think it is wrong to go snooping… Just like I told my mom when she found that eight ball of coke in my room… Don’t look for what you don’t want to find.

To quote the ole so famous redneck band:
Don’t ask me no questions and I won’t tell you no lies.

The posting on a public forum is not the same for the OP as it is for many of us regular users. We don’t know him in real life, so he (and therefore his wife) have anonymity. Heck, he might even have changed a few details to protect the innocent. Because he’s anonymous, I think it’s safe to say that his wife’s privacy wasn’t unduly compromised.

As to him being a snoop, yes that’s probably true. However, it seems to me that his relationship is being doomed by bigger issues than this.

The STARS, man! The stars up in the fucking SKY! Filling his love rival with the warmth of the sunny fucking SKIES, man! He’s toast. He should just go to the cannabis thread and find out where to skore some wicked tonk, man!

I have had females snooping on me, and I have blown several fuses every time.