Soccer mom coming through


I am really scared about driving in the city, but will probably have to because cabs don’t have car seats and it’s probably just safer and less of a headache to have our own vehicle rather than try to public transport it everywhere. That said, I am hoping you gentle folks can recommend something so we can take a look online beforehand. Our current car is a 4runner. Each time I get in the car, I tell myself, “Next car will be a small car.” It’s big and safe, but it’s too big. I don’t want to drive something like that in Taipei.

We need:

  1. Safety first, good crash test ratings
    2) Fits 3 car seats, preferably all in same row
  2. 3 row seats (total 7 passengers)
  3. Easy to get in and out of and to retrieve rugrats
  4. Ample trunk space, but beggers can’t be choosers
  5. Compact, small and useful like me
  6. Nothing fancy, and ugly is ok!!!

Perhaps something around $30,000 US or $900,000 NTD, but we will probably lease for a couple of years.

If you can’t recommend a model, maybe a make? I remember there are some really cute-looking box-like minivans in Taiwan. Don’t know the makes and models though and whether they’re good or not. We won’t drive much, but mostly to get out of the city at times, or Costco runs. I think mostly I will just let the car sit in the garage until I become more comfortable driving in Taipei.

Thanks a lot.

The modern station wagons would be the Toyota Wish, or its better cousin, the Mazda 5. In a pinch, the Mitsubishi equivalent. Check Dragonbones’ thread on cars suitable for a baby.