生活•中文群組 Social Group -- In Chinese








有興趣的朋友請在加入Line ID: danjordan 後寄個:我要加入中文群組的訊息。因為無法貼上QR code。我會分別加你入群,謝謝。

I want to start a social outings group – in Chinese.

I’m thinking that there must be a lot of long-term foreigners here (white or otherwise), like me, that have gotten their Chinese proficiency up to a decent level, but still feel most people expect them to speak in English (especially the white foreigners), or are somewhat avoided in conversations. I think for some, although in a Chinese speaking country, the reality seems to be that it’s hard to get the immersion
they know is needed/that they can handle at this point. I know for myself, it would be far more comfortable to meet up with people without having English forced my way, or having every Asian-faced friend seen as being my translator.

So the concept of this group is simple – meet up and hang out in Chinese. The group is of course open to Mandarin speaking Taiwanese people, and anybody else with a decent level of Mandarin. I do have to ask however, that people have a good working knowledge of Chinese and are at a high enough level to be able to have conversations. I’m thinking having at least finished studying Book 4 of the Practical Audio-Visual Chinese textbooks (實用視聽華語4) that most Chinese courses in Taiwan use, or are at an approximately equivalent vocabulary and grammar proficiency level.

For the first time, let’s meet up at a coffee & sandwiches/pie kinda place, and make suggestions for the next meet up.

Ask away with any questions about me or the group. Responding in Chinese and/or English is all okay.

Look forward to giving this a try, and meeting other Chinese studiers living/working/studying here!

Dān Yǔháng

If interested, add my Line ID: danjordan and just say “I want to join the group” or something like that. I’ll invite on Line that way because I can’t add a QR code here.


I think a lot of schools or maybe just NTU and buxibans are using NTU MTCs ACCC books now. I’m at the end of book 1 in ACCC, so guess I’m not up to the level for this social group. I’ll keep trying maybe I’ll catch up :slight_smile:

I think book 4 of PAVC would be similar to book 2 of ACCC but I’m no expert not even a novice.

I avoid taking it as a reflection of my Chinese ability or outsiderness when people reply to my Chinese with English. In fact I made a conscious decision to always accept the language shift. Almost all switch back to Chinese at some point anyway, and you get credits for being relaxed about using English. Also for full on 100 per cent Chinese Immersion: the kind where you don’t hear a word of English for a month, go to China, and off the beaten path. No two ways about that.

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So how is your social outings group going?


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最近常看到一個日本的 youtuber 在介紹日本方言,他請來的來賓都是現居台灣的日本人,他們在節目裡用中文對談感覺還滿順的。
