Something intelligent for the iPod, please?

Any suggestions for intelligent listening material? I need some brain candy for the 10 hours a day I spend riding the desk.

I’ve got lots of time–and a real hunger–for anything worth listening to.
Burned through several hundred audio books over the last year plus, and regularly listen to the following podcasts (favorites in bold):

NYT Backstory
BBC (various progs, particularly news and BBC 4)
PBS: NewsHour

Book Reviews
CBC Words at Large

CBC Radio 3 (new music)

Big Ideas
BBC Radio 4
CBC Ideas
CBC: Quirks and Quarks
Entreprenurial Thought Leaders
Oxford University
Pritzker Military Library
Standford University (various)
Scientific American
University Channel
U. Chicago: The World Beyond the Headlines
U. Warwick
Yale U.

ABC News This Week
Real Time with Bill Maher
Slate: Gabfest

PBS: On Point
This American Life

Religion and Ethics

Oh, and I just added EconTalk, Dancing About Architecture, Derb Radio on National Review Online, On The Media, and Shire Network News, just because they placed well in the Web awards: but only EconTalk seems worth keeping.

So, what flavors brain candy am I missing out on?
Anything consistently good, or occasionally excellent works; doesn’t much matter what it’s about or who’s putting it out, so long as it feeds the brain.
Excellent music’s more than welcome; great audio books I’ll jump at.
(Excellence really does it for me.)


Grammar Girl- very popular on improving writing skills.’s_Quick_and_Dirty_Tips_for_Better_Writing A bit of information wikipedia about her.

Hey, the link’s working again.
Ok, come on, please, I need more than one response here.
Feed my brain.

Pointers to particular episodes would be most welcome.

I like to listen to lecture series put out by “The Teaching Company”, often abbreviated TTC. Over the past year I’ve listened to a few history series and many of Robert Greenberg’s courses on classical music. There’s hundreds of courses to choose from, whatever your interest there is probably a course. Guidebooks can also be had that go along with the course, but I never bother.

Here are my favourites

You might have this one but I like

BBC Radio 4 In Our Time
This is a radio show with a variety of topics ranging from history, philosophy, science and culture.

I also like
ABC The Philosopher’s Zone
A radio show about various philosophical topics.

NPR Intelligence Squared U.S. This is a debate podcast. Usually with three people for the motion and three against. I’ve just started listening to “Global warming is not a crisis” I don’t like subscribing to this podcast but instead go to their website and download the file. On the podcast they have the bad habit of editing the debate. They seem to take about 30 to 40 minutes off the debate but you can download the full file at their website.

Bill Moyers has a new podcast as well. Bill Moyer’s Journal He just had one about selling the war (which was mentioned in Forumosa’s International Politics Forum) and one with Jon Stewart. Haven’t listened to it yet but it looks good.

I’ve also just found one on Napoleon. Again I havent listened to it yet but I’ll give it a try later Napoleon

Another one that looks interesting but that I have not gotten around to listening to yet is the University Channel Podcast University Channel Podcast This has various university lectures. (edit) Oops I just noticed that you already have a link to this one, sorry

I just found the three above podcasts a few days ago so it will take me a while to get around to listening to them.

For those interested in Buddhism I’ve found an Alan Watts podcast Alan Watts
as well as this one Zencast

I’ve found a lot of these and others at Link Here. I’ve signed up for their weekly e-mails (it’s free) and they send me e-mails about new podcasts as well as having links to older ones. They have some interesting free lectures on this site that you can download as well.

I find that I am becoming a podcast junkie. I’ve downloaded tonnes of stuff that will take me months to listen to but I’m slowly working my way through them. Hope this helps and I recommend taking at look at the learnoutloud website for a bunch of free stuff. They have a lot of stuff you have to pay for but I like free stuff :slight_smile:

Sweet. Good stuff, Gilgamesh. Thanks.
Redmenace, I’ve listened to a few TTC lectures but haven’t really gotten into yet. But I’ll go back and have another look.

Any others?

Wow. This is REALLY cool.
TED | Talks

Some of what’s on offer:
Chris Anderson (editor of WIRED): Technology’s Long Tail
Jeff Bezos (founder of After the gold rush, there’s innovation ahead
Richard Dawkins: on our “queer” universe; on militant atheism
Peter Gabriel: Fighting injustice with a videocamera
Malcolm Gladwell: What we can learn from spaghetti sauce
Jane Goodall: What separates us from the apes?
Ray Kurzweil: How technology’s accelerating power will transform us
Charles Leadbeater: The rise of the amateur professional
Steven Levitt: Why do crack dealers still live with their moms?
Robert Wright: How cooperation (eventually) trumps conflict

This is brilliant.

States add K-12 educational content to iTunes

Jello Biafra. The man speaks, and you listen… … /jello.htm

Thanks for all the links you posted earlier. I spent much of yesterday listening to Scientific American podcasts, and I’m currently checking out some other sites.

You’re welcome, aj. Nice to know that a few people have made use of the signposts.
Guess I should add a few others picked up over the past year.

iTunes links (mostly):
The Agenda
The History of Rome
The News Hour with Jim Lehrer
Photoshop User Tv… geeky as hell, but oh my god it’s useful. Only a few episodes are available through iTunes, but I downloaded all the earlier ones elsewhere. Learned that – thanks to sheer ignorance of the program’s capabilities – I wasted close to a hundred hours editing photos last year. Worth watching just to learn how to automate actions in PS.
Politics with Don Newman
CBC: Search Engine: GREAT program on the social impact of technology, very oddly canceled/ turned into a vagabond bit piece in other programs by the CBC. Back issues well worth listening to.
Classic Tales Podcast
CBC National: At Issue
Nature magazine
Philosophy Bites

Gilagamesh’s The Philosopher’s Zone is now a favorite. Also Bill Moyer’s Journal and Intelligence Squared.

Oh, and Charlie Rose. Can’t get it on the podcast… at least not without jacking it from the site… but the very model of what an intelligent interviewer could do with a lot of effort and good intentions.

Wow. This Mac|Life article gives pointers to a great many podcasts. I’ve just started combing through them.

[quote=“Mac|Life”]When people reminisce about their college days, they look back with misty-eyed fondness on the flowing beer and promiscuity. But few get nostalgic for the lectures. So when iTunes U first opened its virtual doors on May 30, 2007, and presented the public with lectures and class notes, we marveled at the range of knowledge presented by some of the world’s finest minds, free of charge–and promptly ignored it.

But in the thirteen months since iTunes U has been available, the content has expanded considerably. (Over 60 accredited universities and colleges, 25 institutions, and several public radio channels have put content online.) Initially, iTunes U only provided the public with lectures, language lessons, and campus tours. Now, if offers music and dance performances, poetry readings, and a wealth of audio and video content that is as entertaining as it is informative.

A good way to dig through the site is by looking through the list “Find Education Providers” in the bottom left corner of iTunes U, which divides content between “Universities and Colleges” and “Beyond Campus.” The Beyond Campus section proves that learning doesn’t necessarily end after college, with offerings from museums, like the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and other learning centers, such as New York’s famed 92nd St. Y.

Plus, professors and scholars now have a chance to flex their intellectual muscle in a more public forum than just the classroom. For example, universities such as George Mason University present lecture series’ given by its professors on topics of interest to them. Now, thanks to Dr. Lynn Gerber of GMU, we can all learn to “Foil Fatigue.”

After only a minute of browsing, you’ll see there is much more to iTunes U than Chemistry 101. Here are some highlights:

General Categories:

American Public Media
“Green Rush: Eco Business” discusses, in bite-sized chunks (all but one podcast is less than five minutes), some of the issues in green business, from the amount of recycled paper in Starbucks coffee cups (10%) to how the use of corn as ethanol fuel is effecting our economy (the price of corn and meat will likely skyrocket).

Duke University
“The Research Advantage” is a video podcast of current research done at Duke’s Fuqua School of Business. Clear graphics show the differences between “optimism” and “extreme optimism” (and why “extreme optimism” isn’t necessarily a good thing). One study applies analysis to the decision of when a working woman should have a child.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Engineering Ethics” teaches listeners there’s more to engineering than math and science. Dr. Taft Broome invokes Arthur Schopenhauer, Joseph Campbell, and George Bernard Shaw to give weight to his arguments that ethics are an important part of an engineer’s work. A thoughtful look at real-world problems.

Smithsonian Institution
Simply titled “Videos,” the Smithsonian Institution’s Global Sound videocast offers traditional performances from around the world. Viewers get to see the importance of breath control in an “Inuit throat-singing demonstration” and how performance is more important than technique in “On what makes a good mariachi.”

Swinburne University of Technology
“Student Work” shows us what film students can do on a small budget and loads of imagination. Highlights include The Game, where we see the makings of a superstar action director, and Dominant Consciousness which uses cavemen to demonstrate dating choices. “Student Work” will blow away those of us who remember shooting student films on Super 8mm cameras.

University of Michigan
Medical question? Just “Ask the Podcast Doctor.” Dr. David Stutz, along with his colleagues at the University of Michigan, answers health and medical questions submitted by the audience. Questions range from “Is cracking your knuckles bad for you?” to “Are mammograms necessary?” to “How will my boyfriend’s case of herpes effect me?” (The last question is probably the most important.)

Clemson University

Dr. Katherine L. Cason gives terrific advice in her “Nutrition, Diet and Health” podcast, such as walking three miles to work off the calories in a caramel apple and choosing foods with more nutrients over foods with empty calories. We feel healthier just from browsing titles like “Focus on Fruits” and “Vary Your Veggies.”

Open University
This British university’s “Exploring History: Medieval to Modern 1400-1900” is filmed like a BBC documentary: gorgeous, with no details spared. The short films about Beauchamp and Jacques Couer show us that history is not about facts and figures but about people (and their fabulous castles).

Carnegie Mellon University
“College of Humanities and Social Sciences” describes to listeners fashion faux pas in “How not to dress for a job interview” and explains why men, more than women, tend to support war in “Emotion & decision making.” This very interesting podcast has just six tracks—not nearly enough.

Concordia Seminary
This school–for the students who do attend college for the lectures and not for the booze–gives extremely thorough lessons in Hebrew and Greek, which is dandy if you want to parse the testaments in two of their original languages. Biblical completists, be warned: there are no classes in Aramaic.

Vanderbilt University
You heard it here: VU has a class on World of Warcraft. In “Worlds of Warcraft,” we learn about the inspirations behind the fantastically popular MMORPG, like the Arthurian legends and epics like the Iliad (which why this podcast is filed under “Literature” and not “Humanities”). We listened, jaws dangling, to professors discuss in-game marriages and characters falling in love. A must for WoW players.

New Jersey Institute of Technology
For those who find math a bit too…math-y, “Tech of Baseball” analyzes who is going to win the 2008 World Series. Dr. Bruce Bukiet calculates why you should not bet on the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Rock Valley College
For those who want just a bit of mathiness, “Beginning Algebra” is a terrific refresher course for people who haven’t used math except to multiply A dinner recipe. One actually experiences nostalgia for high school when Diane Koenig dishes out words like “factoring,” “binomial,” and “common denominator.”

Arizona State University
Chock full of smart facts, the School of Life Sciences’ “Science Studio” is a podcast that interviews scientists about their work. Dr. Kevin McGraw describes the amount of information conveyed to animals by color. In “History of Fire,” author Stephen Pyne talks about the elemental process of fire, one link in a long chain that creates a healthy ecosystem.

New Mexico State University
“Heat Up Your Life,” a video podcast that tangentially belongs in the Science section of iTunes U, would probably live more comfortably on the Food Network. Follow Dave DeWitt–the Pope of Peppers–on his specific quest for the chili shrine and his general exploration of all things pepper-based.

American RadioWorks
“Locked Up: Prison in America,” is unflinching in its description of what works and fails in prison life. This podcast touches on rehabilitation and recidivism, gang activity, cruel and unusual punishment, and transitioning back into the population. Pardon the pun, but it arrests your attention.

East Tennessee State University
According to the iTunes description, “Burke on Mayberry” contemplates “the cultural relevance, morals, and ‘just plain fun’ embodied by The Andy Griffith Show.” Dr. Kevin L. Burke is an encyclopedia of Andy Griffith minutia. That this podcast hails from Tennessee surprises no one.

Seattle Pacific University
“More Lectures” gives listeners a broad selection of presentations. Highlights include explorations of the works of fantasy authors J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. There’s even a lecture dedicated to their friendship.

University of Western Australia
The Study Smarter series is perfect for both students and others who are learning a new field. Here, professors gives advice on “How to take notes during lectures” and our favorite (which came in handy when writing this very article) “How to avoid procrastination.”

A selection of Beyond Campus podcasts:

The Asia Society
In this Arts & Culture series, Ang Lee discusses the anger he felt when he first read the story that became his 2007 hit, Lust, Caution. Children learn to blend two styles of dance that, at first glance, don’t easily mix: Balinese traditional dance and hip-hop.

US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Although the archive of the Holocaust Museum emphasizes the atrocities committed during WWII, the podcasts also covers current events, like the Darfur Genocide and the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The most chilling podcast on iTunes, “Negotiating with Killers,” helps listeners decide when and when not to negotiate.

American Theatre Wing
Fans of the theater will be delighted with the “Acting” podcast, which talks to professionals about their work—one director explains why comedy is difficult when performed repeatedly—and even gives clips of performances. (Warning: each video podcast loads slowly. Second warning: spelling “theatre” the English way when you’re not English is waaaay pretentious.)[/quote]

I don’t spend nearly enough time listening to podcasts as I should, especially considering how many hours I spend in front of a computer. Thanks for all those links - I’ll have to check some out.

Here’s a great one on photography, art and the creative process.

I downloaded the Bill Moyer’s Journalyesterday and forgot to listen to it until I saw this thread.

I listen every week to Bill (hey, you never know when he’s going to leave us). I like to amuse myself by counting how many times he uses the phrase “Big ______”. There aren’t too many old-time sixties liberals fretting over us anymore. It’s sweet.

The most recent edition of Bill Moyer’s Journal deals with social and political aspects of the subprime housing crisis. After listening to it, I started wondering why Russ Roberts, the guy behind the Econtalk podcast hasn’t dealt with it. So searched, found nothing, and fired off an email.

Nice guy, Roberts, he answered straight away. Said he tends to steer clear of most topical topics, but since this one’s lasting a while it’ll probably come up in passing. Figures we still don’t know well enough what’s what’s going on.

I’m hoping he does try to tackle it, because it would – I think – challenge many of his usual answers.

[quote=“Jaboney”]The most recent edition of Bill Moyer’s Journal deals with social and political aspects of the subprime housing crisis. After listening to it, I started wondering why Russ Roberts, the guy behind the Econtalk podcast hasn’t dealt with it. So searched, found nothing, and fired off an email.

Nice guy, Roberts, he answered straight away. Said he tends to steer clear of most topical topics, but since this one’s lasting a while it’ll probably come up in passing. Figures we still don’t know well enough what’s what’s going on.

I’m hoping he does try to tackle it, because it would – I think – challenge many of his usual answers.[/quote]
I haven’t heard the term, usury, applied to this problem before, but I haven’t been looking very hard.

Found a great podcast:

The Limbaugh Lie of the Day

This guy is BRUTAL.

Charlie Rose: Interview with Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan.
Deals with the economic crisis, which he predicted. Gotta watch soon, as Charlie Rose sometimes makes interviews unavailable in short order.

TED iTunes link

Exploring the frontiers of happiness - Dan Gilbert. Very entertaining talk (no really) on our inability to accurately gauge probability and the consequences in daily life.