Sometimes Taiwanese are so inconsiderate

Yea…there are stereotypes about mainland Chinese here. You may want to work on changing your accent.

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I’d say elderly Taiwanese are the issue.

The only people I’ve seen blasting music and obnoxious sounds of whatever game they’re playing or drama their watching on their phones on the MRT has always been an old cretin.

Likewise pushing past everyone to the MRT, smoking near doorways, making noise, TALKING AS LOUD AS THEY CAN etc. It’s always some cantankerous old git.

The women always have that short, tightly permed hair. The men always have a vest and grubby baseball cap.


speaking of that, I realized most of the people i got disturbed were the old people.

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I don’t feel Taiwanese are especially inconsiderate. I have problems with the driving here mostly, as I think many people with their tinted windows feel they can hide and be anonymous jerks. I would say 10% drive like this. It’s enough to make the driving very unpleasant here. But face to face, I don’t encounter many problems.

As for a comparison with Korea, I’m much happier here. As a half Korean, being a 튀기 (half breed) always was a part of my identity there. I can tell that many Koreans didn’t view such a mix favorably. In Taiwan, I believe many view this as an asset. Very, very different viewpoint. But more than anything, it’s a non-issue here. I’m just a foreigner. And I like that. I like being an anonymous foreigner dude! Very different from my situation in Korea.


OK, so why do think Korea is a better fit for you? Top 5.

Have you thought about noise reduction ear plugs?

I always hate when people say that. You shouldn’t have to wear noise reduction earplugs in your own home because of some bellend who doesn’t know how to keep quiet.


Depending on the construction of their place, any sound can be disturbing to the one who lives next door.
Or are you saying their neighbor doesn’t have the right to cook whenever they feel like?

Where did I say that?

I’ll answer for you, I didn’t. But making a row at 2 am is rude and inconsiderate. You might as well say “the neighbor ahs the right to play Slipknot whenever they feel like it, regardless of whether everyone else is in bed”


Exactly my feeling…almost seems like they become a whole different person behind their tinted windows, it’s mind-boggling. And unfortunately my estimate is more like 30+%. Running red lights, not using indicators, parking anywhere ‘temporarily’ with hazard lights on, totally ignoring pedestrian crossings, the list goes on…(in Taichung, didn’t seem as bad in Taipei when I lived there 8 years ago. But back then I was still in my honeymoon phase here, so not sure.)

I am honestly curious why there is such a discrepancy between the face-to-face every day behavior and the inconsiderate driving here. Sadly, one conclusion I’ve come to is that the former is just a superficial politeness and the latter the true character?!! Hope I’m wrong.


I agree.

Unfortunately for you it’s often the case where Taiwanese are friendly to foreigners but very unfriendly to others. Try making friends with Taiwanese after university. It’s troublingly difficult.

Also, some people have bought into the idea that their own experiences are the same experiences other have had. Not true.

Being woken up in the night after getting to sleep can be very difficult. Especially if you are someone who finds it hard to get to sleep or relax.

Your neighbors behavior is impolite.

My neighbors liked to have their dog run around at 4am barking and they would smoke in the common areas. Unfortunately for them others in the building didn’t.

Having mixed race I have an insight into both cultures. I enjoy meeting those who revel in their perceived specialness. What they fail to understand is the face to face interactions and the conversations behind your back are very different in People.


Have you considered that it’s not their choice to be cooking at 2 AM? Maybe they have to do it at that time to be able to have it ready to sell by 5 AM?


The only way you can stop that is if you can prove that it is loud enough to qualify for the legal definition of noise, which is over 47dB for sounds with frequency between 200Hz to 20 kHz, or over 36dB for high frequency sounds 20Hz to 200Hz, at night time (after 10PM), in a strictly residential area (second category as defined in the Noise Control Standards Act). If you don’t live in a mixed residential area, then the sound would have to be a bit louder to be considered as noise.

It means you would need to get the police there with equipment to measure the noise.

It sucks, but it’s just how it is done. Most people would opt to upgrade to sound-proof windows before they really call the police, since often times when the police gets to your place, the noise already stopped.

There are apps for you to measure the noise in dB on your phone. They are not too accurate, but it should give you an idea of if it is reasonable to get the authorities. It doesn’t take much for the noise to be over 40dB actually. However, if your phone app doesn’t indicate the noise is over 30dB and you still find it incredibly annoying, it might be more useful to seek help from a otology & neurotology specialist, rather than the authorities.

Welcome back to Taiwan. People here are only selectively literate.


It’s also not his choice to have his sleep disturbed. And it’s the neighbors choice to have a business. So there is that as well. :joy:


A home temple in a nearby street installed a large mechanical bell. They would turn it on at 5.30am in the morning during weekends! They are retired and woke up to pray. The noise would penetrate any walls on the block.

Reasoning with them did not work. What did work was printing out and handing over noise regulations!

There must be regulations regarding noise in your area.

Here is an example for Nantou:


主 旨:擬公告修正南投縣(以下簡稱本縣)噪音管制區
依 據:噪音管制法第八條第四款。
(二)非營業用卡拉OK 之使用。

Any person who violates this Notice shall be punished in accordance with Article 23 of the Noise Control Law by a fine of not less than NT$3,000 and not more than NT$30,000.


The problem with that is “neighbor cooking at home” doesn’t fit into any of those strictly regulated scenarios. So the OP will have to prove that the noise is loud enough to be considered as noise.

No you didn’t, and I’m glad to know that’s not what you meant.

As for playing Slipknot, they do have this right too, as long as the noise doesn’t surpass the limit set by regulations.

My earplugs suggestion was aiming to provide OP with a solution to have better sleep, that’s all.


Noise is noise, regardless of the source, no?

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Yes, but in that Nantou county announcement, and much of the Noise Control Standards Act, regulations are placed on the kinds of “activities” that factories, entertainment businesses, and religious festivities cannot do at certain zones and time.

In no place does it mention that one cannot cook in their own home after 10PM. Therefore, OP would have to prove that the cooking is loud enough to be noise, instead of just saying “my neighbor is cooking” before the authorities can do anything according to the Noise Control Standards Act.

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It’s easy. Don’t mention the activity when making the complaint. Mention neighbor makes loud disturbing noise.