I’m very happy to see the wily Soong’s election ads looking much cooler than Hao Long-bin’s. Whereas Hao’s seem to be saying “I’m the man!” Soong’s seem to be saying “You’re the people.”
My g.f. thinks Soong’s ads will play very will with young light-blue types. They feature a lot of kids and elderly. The slogan is “Think Positive.” The graphics are fantastic, and feature a lot of modernist shots of the cityscape.
Hao’s “shark” ad has been a bomb. His swimming pool press conference to celebrate its release was ruined when swimmers complained he was trying to hog the pool. Now, it’s being lampooned by a DPP guy running for council. A Barney-like cartoonosaur chomps a Hao stand-in before he reaches shore. It’s quite funny.
Go, Soong, go! You’re the man!
The DPP owe him so much.