Spanish Vlogger explains why Foreigners like ugly Taiwanese girls

What metaphor? The Titanic was real.

Titanic was a false flag operation!! Icebergs can’t melt steel beams!! Or something! Also, Jack and Rose were “crisis actors.” eats a bottle of red pillsimage


You were the one who brought sizes up mister!

As a matter of principle, I reject 747s as the parking space barely fits a mini Cooper.

Now I understand your complex relationship with Jesus. :sunglasses:

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I dunno, the smoothest ride I ever had was on an A380… :open_mouth:

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Medium to small size. Just right. Found most commonly.

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That’s what she said…but is it what she meant?


It’s the airline equivalent of the boy next door.

As they say, 嘟嘟好.


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a sausage the size of a baby’s thumb → “嘟嘟好” → “OH GEEZ I WONDER WHY LOCAL GIRLS DATE FOREIGNERS”

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You guys don’t write for Apple Daily, do you?


But 嘟嘟好 means “just right” in Taiwanese, so they must be on to something.

That’s what the patriarchy is enforcing on Taiwanese women.


Wait…does this mean you have a tiny sausage too?

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The interesting thing about Taiwanese sausages is that they taste sweet. Wait…did I just say that?

U W0T M8

No, the #metoo refers to my support towards the liberation of women from the oppression of tiny sausages. I’m their ally (which by #metoo standards suggests I’m a rapist…uhm…I may need to rethink this whole thing)

You mean he’s Judas?

Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of your furious backpedaling. :grin:

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