Spanking Raises Chances of Risky Sexual Behaviour

Freud would have a field day with this study :laughing:

[quote=“HealthDay News”]

Researchers have uncovered another damaging consequence of spanking: risky sexual behaviors, or even sexual deviancy, when the child grows up.

The review being presented at the meeting are the first to look at the relationship of spanking to sexual behavior.

They found that spanking and other corporal punishment is associated with an increased probability of verbally and physically coercing a dating partner to have sex; risky sex such as premarital sex without using a condom; and masochistic sex such as spanking during sex.

There is a “dose response” at work here. “The more parents spank, the higher the probability of harmful side effects,” Straus noted.

Of course, there’s a similar dose response for smokers. But if someone reaches the age of 65 without developing lung cancer, it doesn’t mean that smoking isn’t harmful. It means the person was one of the lucky ones.

It’s the same with spanking, Straus said. “If a person says, 'I was spanked, and I don’t have any interest in bondage and discipline sex, that’s correct, but it’s not because spanking is OK, it’s because they’re one of the lucky ones.”

And spanking a child once may be like picking up that first cigarette. “The trouble is, if you have a 2-year-old, you pretty soon decide you can’t avoid it. The recidivism rate for whatever ‘crime’ you correct a 2-year-old for is about 50 percent in two hours.”

“I’ve been researching corporal punishment for 30 years and, in the course of that time, the evidence has accumulated that it doesn’t work any better than non-corporal punishment but has harmful side effects. I have come to the conclusion that parents should never, ever spank because, although it does work, it’s no better than non-hitting methods that don’t have harmful side effects. If there was an FDA for spanking, they’d say use an alternative that doesn’t have harmful side effects.”[/quote]

Why any person would want to smack another human’s buttocks as a form of punishment is altogether beyond me.
If punishment is to be inflicted, then there are many other subtle methods rather than humiliating someone’s privates in such an obviously sexually degrading fashion.
As for Freud, that coked out fruit quake would have a field day with anything.
Even his own umbrella.

I’d really have to disagree with this,

I don’t think spanking a child makes them want to have “risky sexual behaviors”, I don’t see the correlation.

I don’t understand how you would even measure such a thing, the research seems very vague.

I also wanted to point out that there may be a correlation between parents with anger problems (basically just bad parents) and spanking. If abusive parents spank their child endlessley, then I can see what the article is trying to prove. However, Spanking wouldn’t be the cause of the behavior, the abusive parent would be.

I myself was spanked when I was younger, it didn’t happen often, but me and my siblings were, and of course we are doing fine and have no sexual problems or anything.

I think this study was only focused only in certain parts of the American culture. In Mexico spanking is much more common, and yet a lot of Mexican ladies are much more conservative then American ones.
Whether or not they were spanked seems irrelevant.

What also gets me is that gender is not specified.

And look at chinese parents that punish their children through the means of force, are they having large sex problems? No, they don’t have much sex at all. (unless I’m completley misinformed)

What I do see as a correlation is that kids in strong families with strong loving parents seem to have less sexual problems. While kids with weak abusive parents and low family ties may experience risky sexual behavior.

I like hanky-panky, noting like a good spanky–

a clout around the earhole, that old english favorite, is the way to go about it…my father used to clout us kids, i turned out perfectly normal…well except for the odd psychotic episode and a penchant for wearing odd socks…

did the study find out what happened if you boil your children, or tie them to a chair and force them to watch reruns of Oprah or Jerry Springer, or force feed them a lovely mix of manure and cement powder?

surely these more extreme forms of punishment would then evince some even more bizarre forms of sexual deviancy, like becoming a televangelist, or voting Republican.

:scooby: :roflmao: :snoopy: