Most people underestimate those little buggers importance. With a proper material / temperature/ brand of spark plug you can re-gain up to 15% of your cars fuel efficiency. On sports car a properly temperature spark plug can increase horsepower by 5 hp (test done on 2006 Mustang Gt).
Most common mistake:
Using wrong spark plug material (Most car after 1998 uses Platinum spark plug or Iridium Toyota and BMW)
Using a regular copper plug in a car that regularly uses Iridium cause miss-fire and reduce engine life. Not only that is also will result in bad fuel efficiency. ) Find out what your car takes in your cars user manual. -
Myth about American car can’t use NGK plugs. (In fact in 2004, 70% of American build vehicles uses NGK spark plug)
Changing spark plug only after one cylinder stop firing. Spark plug should be check every second oil change, and be replace at less every 75000 KM (although most manufactures claim their spark plug is good for 100000 Km)
Easy power and fuel efficiency
Use colder plugs (Spark plugs are defined by not only material of igniter. by also by heat range)
Colder plugs lets your engine run leaner. Cars equip with Valve-Timing Control tend to run rich (too much fuel too little air) which is just wasting gasoline.
Colder plus will eliminate the imbalance of air and fuel mixture.
*** Valve-Timing Control is a universal term, almost every automaker have its own version of it. *** -
Use Iridium plugs (Iridium are much tougher material and general fast and accurate sparks) Iridium also have longer “Spark life Spam” which makes it last nearly twice as long as copper plugs. [Iridium is the only plug that should be in your engine more than 75000km]
**Most fuel-injected engines will benefit from installing Iridium spark plugs. **
Not recommend for carbureted cars
Post by 2Wild4Canucks