Special Force raid in SA pub (video)

I used to work in one of these pubs…what do you guys think of the way the students are treated? What would the Tlocals have done if this happened here?


Can’t say much.
Same old school of the Nazi Band.!

I’m not sure If I would mesh well in South African society.
Yet, i’m considering just such a move, thou i’m refreshing the small arms…

South Africans are tough people.

Not exactly Special Force raid. Just normal cops. That aside, they were unnecessarily rough with the people regardless of whether they were students or not. Pity they don’t go all apeshit like that with rapists and murderers.

On the one hand I want to condemn them for how they treated the people, but on the other hand you also have to realise that in SA these guys get shot at on a nearly daily basis, cannot return fire unless they have actually been shot at and are paid a pittance of a wage. To call police salaries in SA a slave wage is no exaggeration. They are poorly paid, poorly funded (to the extent that they often don’t have petrol for patrol cars) and expected to be everywhere all the time.

The problem here isn’t necessarily the coppers, but the powers that be. If the lazy, nepotistic, fat bastards in Parliament did their job properly to begin with this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.

And if anyone thinks I’m being overly harsh with the scum that passes for politicians in SA, think again. I’m being kind. If there was justice in this world they would all be marched outside and given a bullet to the head. Given the crime situation in the country and the obstacles faced by the police I’m not going to sit here and bad mouth them. Not before the blame is placed squarely where it belongs.
Besides, I saw the video footage when it hit the news several days ago. Being closed circuit camera footage one can’t be sure what was said between the cops and the civs. Perhaps if they just laid down as they were told they wouldn’t have been manhandled. This is also a drug raid in an area that is well known for it and on another video I saw where the public was interviewed most supported the police.