Speeding Tickets on Expressways

I was switching to the right lane to get around slower traffic when I spotted her and hit the brakes. But, she had already clocked me and was reaching for her pull-the-fuck-over stick. I knew I was busted. Once we got her chatting and she mentioned about the gun being linked, she had already taken my documents back to her partner in the car. Maybe the partner was her superior or something so she couldn’t just let us go. Anyway, it’s not like I didn’t know I was speeding…

Actually, I was just discussing the other day how it doesn’t seem radar detectors are very popular in Taiwan.

Hi all

Any idea on how to dispute a photo speeding ticket?


Ive done it before and it wont do much good.

First you go to the drivers bureau (Taiwan version of DMV/MVO) and usually on one floor is an area for fine disputes. You fill in the form explaining why you think the fine was wrong which must be in Chinese, and then 3 weeks later they send you some BS form explaining why you are wrong and why they are keeping your money. Unlike the west, your fine must be paid first before they allow an administrative appeal, so they have no reason to give you back your money.
Then you can re-appeal the paper they sent you, but then 3 weeks later you get another one stating why you are wrong again, all in Chinese.

Then there is a way at that point to take it before a judge, but I was told you need to pay a court fee of, if I remember 1000nt and if you win you get it back, if not they keep it and your fine. I decided based on my experience with the administrative appeal that likely I would be just giving them another $1000 for nothing and just gave up.

Have a try at it, and let me know if you win but don’t hold your breath.

Photo? They got your ass. Traffic cop? There is a chance (albeit slight) you can talk your way out of it.

Did Taiwan implement demerit point? Ministry plans to tweak point system for drivers - Taipei Times

I got 3 tickets in the mail for speeding (10-40 over limit on each ticket), all within 2 days. Am I still allowed to drive?

Btw I was not driving dangerously. Each time it was because someone was speeding behind me and riding very close to my bumper so I sped up. Watch out for cameras in 台東!

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Just keep an eye out for the big yellow sign in Chinese that says camera ahead. Or the massive red triangle with the picture of a camera in it.



So please, don’t do it.

Is someone chasing you?


Here’s the page on violation points: https://tpcmv.thb.gov.tw/en/cp.aspx?n=10274

Road traffic act: https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=K0040012

If you receive 6+ points within 6 months, your driver license will be suspended for 1 month, and if suspended twice within 1 year it will be revoked

Rule number 1 when driving in Taiwan: don’t ever care about anyone else.

I received my traffic tickets at the beginning of Feb from my car rental service and now it’s middle of March. I called the ‘Taipei City Traffic Adjudication Office’ and they said I don’t have any records of speeding. I wonder what happened here. Did the local traffic office decide to forget about it after I paid the bill? Or maybe these demerit points apply on a per city level, or maybe some municipalities haven’t caught up with the demerit system? Anyone else have experience with this in the past? I know it’s not a scam because they have photos of my car speeding.

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Got a speeding ticket in the mail.
$3000 for going 95 in an 80 area.
So ArGh!!! because it was 100km/h and I was going 95km/h slowing down to enter a tunnel. The posted sign for the tunnel is 80. The picture shows I was at least a dozen meters away from the entrance of the tunnel.

Is there any luck in fighting camera tickets?

Had you gone past the sign for 80?

If these are tickets acquired while driving a rental car then they will be on the rental company’s record, not yours. (I assume you only know about them because the rental company contacted you for reimbursement?)

Unless it was LIDAR, some of those have HUD-style display and take a picture with speeds superimposed.

Dunno if they’re used in TW yet though.