Our message posting form now has Spell Checking from SpellingCow.com
Register your own SpellingCow account to build your own spell check dictionary (it’s just another phpBB registration)
Our message posting form now has Spell Checking from SpellingCow.com
Register your own SpellingCow account to build your own spell check dictionary (it’s just another phpBB registration)
On a roll, now I got the feedback form spellingcowed
Two thumbs way up for the addition of spelling cow. What a great tool to help minimize spelling errors done when hastily posting a reply to haughty flames! :bravo:
I was just about to post a new thread asking if the spell checker has always been there. :loco:
Greta additino. Esepcially fro tow-finger typists liek me.
ISs Bolukks.
ProtEct the Freedum to spieL BoDdly!!!
As long as it doesn’t change “colour” to “Color” and “honour” to “honor,” and all the other words with ou’s to “o’s” I’ll embrace it with open arms.
American English. Bah.
It suggests the American English spelling, but you can “teach” it to remember the correct spellings.
When is forum-osa going to get a grammer checker?
When you learn how to spell “grammar checker”…
I typed [color=red]
[/color] and it said I was wrong, it must be broken
It might be one of those
[color=red]mad [/color]
cows from the US.
[quote=“Bassman”]I typed [color=red]
[/color] and it said I was wrong, it must be broken [/quote]
I think it’s American.
Don’t forget: you can build your own dictionary if you create an account on their phpBB and log in with that when you use it
So, it is broken then