Spelling errors?

has anyone checked out 馬英九’s webpage recently? Actually, it’s the english site for the city of Taipei.

for everyone who has poked fun, been annoyed, frustrated etc… with anything written in English now’s your chance to take it up with the city of taipei. get your cameras out!

there is a competition to find spelling errors on street signs.
Here’s the link if you want to check it out:
english.taipei.gov.tw/TCG/index. … ordid=2069

I have some awesome pictures of the garbled english signs in the mrt station during SARS… wonder if they’ll take older mistakes…

Some smartarse needs to submit this entry:

Every single street sign in Taipei. That InSane CapItAlIzATion Scheme They Use Is Not GodDamn HanYu PinYin, It’s Some Stupid Twat’s BasTardIzATion Of It. And thus those signs are all wrong.

X. Awards:

B. Participants who disagree with the content of official Department of Civil Affairs translations and who propose recommendations for rectification will each receive a special gift if the bilingual advisors