Has anyone seen Spiderman 3?
How is it?
I am going to workship it this weekend.
Has anyone seen Spiderman 3?
How is it?
I am going to workship it this weekend.
I’ll go see it at the IMAX.
I’m a huge fan of Spiderman, and I loved 1 and 2 was awesome. 3 is worth seeing but I was a little let down. It just seemed a little off the mark. Sometimes too much of a good thing is bad. They tried to double everything, the story arcs, villains, and comedy bits, but it just felt a bit tiresome by the end. The action scenes were too sparse and there were too many quick edits. The only nice scene was the final fight at the end. I think int he end they tried to pack too much into one movie. Also, their were some major plot holes (Spoiler warning: Why the hell did the butler not just fess up about Harry’s father’s death right off the bat? This was kinda of a cheap way to help the plot go a certain way.) Anyway, still recommend going to see it at the theater. Its still a good movie when not compared to part 1 or 2.
I went to see it last night with high expectation, so I was a little bit disappointed with it.
Some problems are exactly like what you say.
I hope Sam Saimi can give Spiderman a break, not making the fourth spiderman movie too soon to readjust it.
I don’t think a 4th spidey is in the works.
Jdson and I saw it today. The sandman effects were just fargin awesome. I pray for him to return fighting the FF some day. (And the Silver Surfer FF movie looks hot.)
The story mixed several things that did not happen in the same time period in the comic books, ie gwen stacy and venom, but I liked it.
JJ was a scene stealer again. And the guy who did cameos in the first two was hilarious and true to form. “Mr Pecker.”
That Sandman was human and not just some baddie was cool. And I for one like how Harry turned face in the end. And Venom…I am unfamiliar with his comic book persona, but he just rocked.
I miss not seeing Gwen get her neck snapped…but we can’t have everything.
Definitely had the feel of a series-ender. There were lots of things they could have left for future sequels, but instead they pretty well wrapped things up at the end. In fact, I thought the ending might have been better with a couple things left hanging.
Anyway, as always it was a fun movie, great action, some funny spots, and general good times. I enjoyed the main storyline, though some of the side stories weren’t that great. It was also a little heavy on the cheese and there were a couple spots where I wasn’t sure if I was watching Spiderman or Oprah.
Saw it this afternoon. Well worth the NT$270 ticket price. Caught the show at Warner Village and even my girlfriend, who hates action flicks, enjoyed the movie. I rarely make it out to the cinema anymore, but this has to be seen on the big screen.
It would be tragic if this is a series-ender. If not, I agree with prior comments in that the producers should give it a little break before releasing another one. Give it an A :bravo:
I read an article that Sam Raimi had announced to make the 4th Spinderman, but everthing is in negotiation.
You don’t know who Bruce Campbell is? For shame…
I saw it Friday and I have to say I was really disappointed in it. Honestly, I hope they let the franchise rest for a good long time now.
Venom was terrible. Simply terrible. Anyone who likes Venom from the comics will feel really let down. And the effects for Venom’s mouth went from really good looking to cartoony in the space of two scenes.
The entire Black Suit Spidey arc was way too brief. And the whole personality change that Peter undergoes is stupid. He’s supposed to be really aggresive and volatile, not really whiney and in the mood for some dancing!!
MJ was a pain in the ass, Aunt May was friggin’ annoying and Harry was just goofy. As was his costume. The snowboard-thing he was flying around on just looked retarded.
Plus, the biggest disappointment, to me at any rate, was Tobey was scrawny as hell. All the muscle he put on for the first flick was gone. The CG Spidey looked more Spider-man like than Tobey in the costume. He just didn’t have the Spidey feel in this anymore.
As far as superhero movies go, this wasn’t too bad…nowhere near on the same level as say X3. But as far as Spider-man goes, this was a real let-down.
Easy there killer. I just didn’t know the name. I’ve been a fan since the original Evil Dead. :raspberry:
As for you crtique of S3, please, don’t hold back.
Sure they had to mush a lot into a little time. And Peter throwing a bomb into Harry’s face AND calling him an unloved daddy’s boy wasn’t BAD enough for ya?
Easy there killer. I just didn’t know the name. I’ve been a fan since the original Evil Dead. :raspberry: [/quote]
Ah well, in that case then, no shame for you…
[quote=“jdsmith”]As for you crtique of S3, please, don’t hold back.
Sure they had to mush a lot into a little time. And Peter throwing a bomb into Harry’s face AND calling him an unloved daddy’s boy wasn’t BAD enough for ya? [/quote]
OK, yeah that was bad…but the rest of the time he was just too damn emo…
It was better than that Batman III at least.
I’m afraid what’s going to happen if they goto spidey IV, because the in I and II it was your basic run of the mill villian of the week storyline, with most of the spidey universe intact.
In III they basically took 3 major arcs and mushed it together.
What is IV going to tackle…spidey clone wars…
I wonder if in the future the movie industry is going to get so desperate of viewers that they will emulate the comic book formula of cross overs.
Spidey vs. Superman
Spidey vs. Wolverine…
In summary good flick. If you’re a die hard spidey fan, yeah there are continuity issues, but for the average movie goer it is not an issue.
Absolutely spot on.
The film is a bit tedious at times, not to say that it’s a bad film, perhaps the audience have placed too much expectation on it after the first two were so successful in blowing peoples brains out.