Does anyone know the dates for Spring Scream this April?
Does anyone know the dates for Spring Scream this April?
April 5, 6, 7
Isn’t that shorter than last year?
I seem to remember it lasting for a full week.
Or at least being on 2 successive weekends?
Wow only one weekend? It was definitely on longer last year - it started one weekend and finished on the next. I hope they make it longer…
Thanks for the link!
[quote=“curlyclaire”]Wow only one weekend? It was definitely on longer last year - it started one weekend and finished on the next. I hope they make it longer…
Thanks for the link![/quote]
good idea tho to go back to 3 days…the talent was spread way too thin last year IMHO…too many days, too many bands who weren’t up to scratch, not enough headliners except for the usual suspects…unfortunately i cant help but think spring scream in kenting has had its day …the distractions of all the raves mean few except the hardcore bother going…i’d seriously consider either getting some semi-big names in or else relocate to taidong and go back to basics…just my opinion mind…
Well they have the name, they have the location… I always have a good time, but the number of pretty ladies does seem to be shrinking.
I’m not going to pretend I have the answers to make it better… But I went to Peace Fest in Longtan, Taoyuan last spring. It was great! I think it was the best outdoor event I’ve ever been to. There’s something about having one big stage. Less confusion, less setup cost, and everyone enjoying it together.
I like how SS hasn’t sold out on the artists at all. They have always been true to the independent punk acts and that’s not easy. I’m not so sure they care if it gets bigger. I can respect that.
[quote=“turkey_dinner”]Well they have the name, they have the location… I always have a good time, but the number of pretty ladies does seem to be shrinking.
I’m not going to pretend I have the answers to make it better… But I went to Peace Fest in Longtan, Taoyuan last spring. It was great! I think it was the best outdoor event I’ve ever been to. There’s something about having one big stage. Less confusion, less setup cost, and everyone enjoying it together.
I like how SS hasn’t sold out on the artists at all. They have always been true to the independent punk acts and that’s not easy. I’m not so sure they care if it gets bigger. I can respect that.[/quote]
one big stage is a good idea…keep everyone together and you create atmosphere (even if a bands not particularly happen’)…adding extra stages just so u can give even more unknowns a chance, while commendable isnt necessary. especially since local bands now have other venues and events to perform at unlike in the early days when there really wasnt anyone else giving them a chance…
Hi there
I plan driving to Kending from Taipei on 4/5 morning, join the 2007 spring scream party.
Is there anybody want to join me and sharing the expense of petrol and freeway?
contact me via e-mail:
See ya~
so the venue this year is split between oluanbi park for the main bands; huge grass fields to trip out in, plenty big wind, bring a kite. and xiaokenting for the smaller bands plus 300 wood cabins to rent to do it in style (from NTD15,000 for 3 nites w. breakfast)…sounds like fun…and away from the madness of kenting which is a good thing i guess
And sponsored by Nokia, I noticed. And advertised on the MRT TV system, touting some “draw” acts – local bands I’ve never heard of. Damn.
Oh well, I suppose it’s my own fault for not being in the same demographic as loved-up Taiwanese children, but that looks like the end of Spring Scream as I used to like it.
Let’s see after calculating the costs:
Weekend accommodations: NT$500-$4000
Bus Ticket: NT$1800
Entrance fee: NT$1500 (or 1400 advance)
Beer: ???
Total: NT$3700-7300
And what do I get? The same bands and a couple new unknown indies. I think I’d rather use the money to buy a ticket to Thailand. Damn, I spent less than half as much money going to Warped Tour that featured bands like Bad Religion, NOFX, Black Eyed Peas, Eminem, Social Distortion etc . And I thought I spent a shitload of money getting down to Kending when I was in a band playing the event. Last year I got ejected from the Marlboro booth/bikini rave party by some meathead bouncers because I didn’t have my ID (c’mon it’s Taiwan) and now it’s sponsored by Nokia? I notice corporate sponsorship hasn’t brought down the prices. What ever happened to the free camping perk? And when is someone going to plan a nice indie music fest that is actually affordable and worth playing at if you’re in a band (and isn’t just another ex-pat drumming circle)? I guess it’s cool that $pring $cream exists and I’ve had some good times there in the past, but I think Sandman’s right.
Go around on the beach side and sneak in. Lotsa room for creative accessing the site…