Starting an English language school

I have recently moved into a street level apartment and I was wondering if anyone else has set up their own school. I have gone to the MOE and learned quite a bit about the requirements and processes involved. Every Saturday I run English language classes (parents w/ children) and the turnout is pretty impressive. However, I do make a decent living teaching English now and I think it would be difficult to equal that amount as a school starting up. Has anyone ever tried this or had the thought cross their mind?

-Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve had experience teaching ESL in China and I’ve had about a decade of helping people build their businesses from zero online/offline also through my service here and since I’ve been in Taipei these last few months I am very interested in (and planning) something similar. As someone with a similar interest, I’d love to chat sometime. How’s this going for you?

We have run into some trouble regarding the building inspection by an architect. It seems they have pretty definite ideas about what constitutes a safe environment for the kids. We are having to remove our gas water heater and will likely have to remodel a bathroom and completely tear down a little office that the previous owners had built. All said, the cost to get the architect to sign off that our building is safe is around 100,000 to 150,000. That number comes from asking three different architects, one of which said our apartment is completely unsuitable to be a buxiban.

i want to learn english and speak fluently … is it possible in this web site n??

Opening a new business and a new location always has its unexpected challenges. If you have the right connections or right money then nearly anything is possible.

I know a kids playground restaurant in Taipei that has a basement playroom with only one exit up the stairs. Scares even me.

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